Saturday, March 05, 2016


By Rev. Wayne Palmer

Lenten Devotion

And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and
cut off his right ear. But Jesus said, "No more of this!"
And He touched his ear and healed him (Luke 22:50-51).

Read Luke 22:49-51.

The sleepy disciples quickly awaken at the soldiers'
approach. Even though Jesus has stepped forward to
shield them (see John 18:4, 8), they ask their Master if
He wants them to strike with the sword and defend Him.
One doesn't wait for His answer. Peter attacks the servant
of the high priest.

Jesus is deeply concerned about the safety of His disciples
and those who have come out to arrest Him. Peter's rash
act threatens to escalate the tense situation into violence
and bloodshed, forcing the soldiers to rush in with drawn
weapons to put down the violence. Jesus immediately steps
in and defuses it. He commands His disciples to put away
their swords (see Matthew 26:52).

Then He demonstrates incredible care for the high priest's
servant whose ear Peter has severed. Jesus immediately
restores his ear and heals him. He brings peace and calm
out of impending chaos.

His actions perfectly display the love He feels for His Father
and for each of us. It's a love that will prompt His first words
from the cross in a few hours: "Father, forgive them, for they
know not what they do" (Luke 23:34b). And whether that
servant ever comes to faith in Jesus or not, for the remainder
of his life he will bear the evidence in his body of the last
miracle Jesus performed in His earthly life.


Lord Jesus, You protected Your disciples while demonstrating
Your concern for a wounded soldier who had come out against
You. Give me such love toward my enemies that I may treat
them kindly and You may bring them to faith. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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