For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so
that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in
the body, whether good or evil. 2 Corinthians 5:10
There is a God, and He loves us.
You can, of course, deny Him, but that will not make Him less real.
You can reject Him, but that will not make the judgment at which
you must appear, less valid. The time is coming when we will
appear before the Savior.
Will you be ready? Do not be numbered with those who maintain
that "God is great, God is good, and He is too kind to judge anyone.
And, if He does judge anyone, I'm okay, because I lead a pretty good life."
Well, my friends, you can hold that position, but it's not one that comes
from Scripture. When you face Jesus, the only position which is satisfactory
is to have Him as your Judge and your Savior.
And the most wonderful thing is this: that is what God wants too. It is for
that reason Jesus lived, died and rose. And it was done for you, so your
day of judgment will be worry and condemnation free.
Dear Lord, for a Savior who made the sacrifice to transform my day of
judgment into a Day of Thanksgiving, I rejoice. May others know and
acknowledge this great gift of grace. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.
(in part from Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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