Thursday, October 20, 2016


In his final sermon, Jesus focused on the plights of
vulnerable, marginalized, and targeted people groups:
the hungry, the thirsty, the sick, the immigrant, the
imprisoned, and the destitute. Jesus identifies with
them saying: “Whatever you did for one of the least
of these you did for me.” Then he calls the faithful to
work toward their equitable inclusion in society—in
essence, to protect the image of God in them—to
protect marginalized people’s divine call to help
steward the world. In a democracy, the most basic
way citizens steward the world is by exercising
one’s right to vote

You know many people say that it doesn't matter who you
vote for, just that you vote.  Their wrong it does make
a difference.

I have one request.  When you vote ask yourself this question.

When you vote, vote not only as an American but as a person
of Faith!

I just voted and I will tell you this much-----I did not vote for
Donald Trump.


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