Saturday, December 31, 2016


And at the end of eight days ... He was called Jesus
 ... (Luke 2:21).

New Year's Eve was exciting when I was a kid. We
say goodbye to the old and ring in the new. With each
New Year came all kinds of exciting opportunities,
hopes and dreams.

Jesus has now reached the age of eight days and
something new is about to happen. Every Israelite boy
who reached the age of eight days was required to be
circumcised and receive his name. As we saw earlier
in the naming of Zechariah and Elizabeth's son John,
names were important to the people of Israel.
Mary and Joseph have already been told the Name that
God has given for His Son. So in obedience they gave
Mary's Child the Name of Jesus. It was a common
name at the time. It means "The Lord is salvation" or "
The Lord saves." In the Old Testament the names
Joshua and Hosea are variants of the name Jesus.
Every other Israelite boy carrying this name in effect
reminded people to turn their attention to God, who is
their salvation.

In the case of Mary's Son it was completely different,
however. In His case the Name pointed to Himself as
Lord -- the One who is now present to save His people
from their sins. Many years from now His enemies will
hurl His Name back at Him in mockery, as He hangs
on the cross: "He saved others; He cannot save
Himself. He trusts in God, let God deliver Him now, if
He desires Him. For He said, 'I am the Son of God'"
(Matthew 27:42-43).

But there on the cross Jesus was fulfilling His Name --
the Lord saving His people from death and hell by
suffering for their sins.


Lord Jesus, You truly are the Lord who saves His
people. Receive our thanks for being the Savior Your
name said You would be. Amen.

(Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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