Saturday, December 03, 2016


And Zechariah said to the angel, "How shall I know
this?" (Luke 1:18)

The impossible gift: for some children it's a pony; for
us it was a pool table. Every Christmas we asked for
a pool table and ended up disappointed. Finally, one
Christmas we sat around the tree after opening all
our presents. Figuring there would be no pool table,
we resigned ourselves to look more closely at the
presents we had received. That's when mom and dad
brought out one last present for each of us. One
brother opened a triangle; another opened a box of
pool balls. We were all running downstairs before the
other three gifts were unwrapped.

That's what happened to Zechariah. But instead of
running downstairs to see the pool table, he sat on
the floor asking "How shall I know this?" Long ago he
had given up the dream of having a child. So even
though an angel stands before him delivering this
tremendous good news, Zechariah finds it impossible
to believe.

God's great promises often greet us when we are
beaten down, discouraged and depressed. A cynicism
often creeps in that keeps us from enjoying God's gifts
as we should, but those gifts are still offered whether
you believe it or not. The Baby is still in Bethlehem's
manger for you. Will you pass Him by just because
you've been discouraged by the events in your life?
Christmas is really all about God stepping into our
world of disappointment, heartache and failure. He
came to share our life of pain and sorrow; He came to
give us His life of joy, peace and bliss.


Lord Jesus, come to me in my disillusionment and
pain. Reassure me of Your power to heal my pain,
provide all my needs, and lead me to unending joy in
Your presence. Amen.

(Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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