Tuesday, February 28, 2017



[God] has sent me to bind up the
broken hearted, to proclaim freedom
for the captives and release from
darkness for the prisoners ...
Isaiah 61:1


We must be free not because we
claim freedom, but because we
practice it.
William Faulkner


God, open our eyes to see that the
fruit of life comes when we plant
seeds of hope among those whom
the world rejects.
adapted from Common Prayer

(Sojourners,   sojo.net)

Monday, February 27, 2017


sing to the LORD, all the earth. — Psalm 96:1

Albert Einstein once said that the definition of
insanity is doing the same thing over and over
again — and expecting different results. And yet,
as human beings we tend to be creatures of habit
even as we wish for different circumstances in our
lives and in our world. As Einstein made clear,
however, there is only one way to change the
circumstances we see in our lives: If we don’t like
the results, we need to change the equation.

For far too long humanity has sung the same song.
A song of war and sadness. A song of depravity and
deception. We have sung dirges of hate and ballads
of oppression. Yes, there have been high notes in
history, and at times, even a great symphony. Yet
by and large, our song has stayed the same with the
same sorry chorus. History tends to repeat itself. But
it doesn’t have to.

Friends, it’s time for us to change our tune. It’s time
to do something different so our world can be different.
And the changes start with us. Do you dance to a
song of worry all day long? Try to tune in to the
wavelength of faith. Do you walk to the beat of an
angry drum? Try to slow the rhythm and sing a tranquil
tune instead. An amazing thing happens when even one
person whistles a happy, catchy new tune. Everyone
around them wants to join in!

So “sing to the LORD a new song,” your new song, and
soon others will be singing it, too.

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein


God wants you to be His partner today and
every day in perfecting the world. What can
you do today? What will be your contribution,
this week, this year, this lifetime? Giving to
God’s purposes is not a burdensome
obligation; it’s a wonderful opportunity and
a privilege.

Friday, February 24, 2017



But let justice roll
on like a river, righteousness
like a never-failing stream!   Amos 5:24


The soil is the great connector of lives, the
source and destination of all. It is the healer
and restorer and resurrector, by which
disease passes into health, age into youth,
death into life. Without proper care for it we
can have no community, because without
proper care for it we can have no life.
Wendell Berry


May we honor your creation and your image
in all things, O God.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Holy God, I know that you are present with all of your beloved
children and especially wherever there is struggle and suffering.
I pray that you would be with me as well, and help me to be
with and for those in need of support. Fill me with your strength,
courage, and grace, and help me to incarnate my hope for a
better world into action. Amen.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


"Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can
bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither
can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." -John 15:4 

We don't have this word in English, but the word in
Greek is Menno. Our best translation for this to abide.
Abide. Jesus says to do that in me -- abide in my love.
Abide in me, find a home in me,  and be safe in me, and
when you feel safe in my love. Instead of turning inward
and holding onto everything, you're going to learn to be
like branches on a vine that open up, bloom, and reach
out. You reaching out is you loving others as Jesus has
loved you. That's what it's all about: being rooted in the
vine, being safe in Jesus Christ, and finding the freedom
to be messed up, broken, flawed individuals we are. We
are safe in God's kingdom and can take off our masks
and say, friends, family, this is me. I love you. I'm scared.
I'm hurting. I'm a sinner. I'm broken. I'm angry. But it's
good to be real. You can love others because you're safe.
You can remain in his love. You don't have to prove
anything to anybody. You do enough. You are enough.
You don't have to prove anything to God. Just abide in
him and love others and everything else will fall in its right
place. That's the truth.


Thank you, God, for allowing us to be real. If we abide in
you, we are free to be our imperfect selves.

REFLECTION: Are you abiding in Jesus?

(Bobby Schuller)

Monday, February 20, 2017


“These are the laws you are to set before them.”
Exodus 21:1

This passage is teaching us that, as great as moments
of revelation and inspiration can be, they are not where
we will find God. It’s wonderful to be moved by a
beautiful sunset or to be awed by a powerful
thunderstorm. They may make us feel more connected
to God and inspire us to change. But that’s not where
we encounter God in the deepest way.

We truly encounter God where we are least expecting it
– in the store, at a business meeting, sitting around the
house with our family. It’s the quiet moments in life
where we choose to follow God’s Word or set His laws
aside; that’s where we truly encounter God.

As you go through the day, keep an ear out for that
“gentle whisper” guiding you and commanding you as
you go through life. When you hear God’s voice and
choose to obey His laws, you will have found Him, no
matter where you may be. Nothing is more sensational
than that!

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

Friday, February 17, 2017



Keep your heart with all vigilance,
for from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 4:23


Once evil is individualized, becoming part of
everyday life, the way of resisting it also
becomes individual. How does the soul
survive? is the essential question. And the
response is: through love and imagination.      
Azar Nafisi


Give us the ability, God, to see where trouble
is rampant and justice is needed. Then give
us, too, the conviction to act and the ability
to establish peace.

(Sojourners,   sojo.net)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, and the years
of his life were a hundred and forty-seven. —
Genesis 47:28

Imagine how Jacob’s last 17 years on earth must have
felt to him. Even though he was in Egypt, out of the
Holy Land, he was together with his children and
grandchildren and their ever-growing families. Those
precious years were full of peace, abundance, and
godliness. Children, parents, and grandparents all
studied the Word of God together. In this week’s
Torah portion, Jacob truly lived. And as part of life,
he passed on his legacy to his descendants and died
surrounded by his loved ones.

Friends, we’ve just been through the holiday season,
spending time with family and friends. But why wait
just for the holidays to do this? It’s challenging to make
time for family get-togethers in today’s busy world, but
it’s worth the effort. Because in the end, family is what
truly matters in life.
Family, as Jacob knew, is life.

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Lord, because of the Savior's sacrifice I ask that
You will have mercy on me, a sinner. I'm sorry
for all my sins. Forgive my past and help me
forgive others. Lord, accept my gratitude for
Your love and my blood-bought forgiveness.
In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, February 11, 2017



Let each of you look not to your own interests,
but to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:4


Live for yourself and you will live in vain;
Live for others, you will live again.
Bob Marley


God, motivate us to seek justice, even when
the outcome won't affect us.

(Sojourners,   sojo.net)

Thursday, February 09, 2017


Psalms 119:1-2,4-5,17-18,33-34; I Corinthians 2:6-10;
Matthew 5:17-37

"... go and be reconciled with your brother first"
(Matthew 5:24).

It seems clear, and for a variety of reasons, that many
people feel as though we are living in difficult days.
Perhaps your are among them. In an apparent response
to that mood, there was an amusing image portrayed
recently in a popular magazine. Pictured in a department
store is a shopper, standing in front of an attractive
display of neatly stacked pillows. The store clerk is
pointing to the shelves as he says, "No. These are
pillows for screaming into. You'll find our sleeping pillows
on the second floor."

Of course, difficult days summon in us a variety of
emotions. And while screaming into our pillows is far
better than taking out our frustrations on those closest to
us, the Gospel writers tell us, over-and-over again, that
there is a Truly better way. Put your faith and trust in
God's plan for living and you will be blest. Your faith will
bring you happiness. Your faith will bring you fulfillment.
Your faith will bring you ever closer to becoming the
person God created you to be. Indeed, it is your steadfast
faith that will transform your most difficult days into
Blessed days of fulfillment.

Jesus came into this world and preached a Good News
Gospel about God's Rule and God's Love. Time and again,
and in many different ways, He said, "You will recognize
by their fruits the persons whose faith and trust in God's
ways bring them into His Kingdom." You will know them,
He said, by the difference this faith and trust has made in
the way they live. And because their faith and trust in God
have made a difference in the way they live, they are blest,
they are happy.

 Sunday Sermons Online

Wednesday, February 08, 2017



Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence,
but a false witness speaks deceitfully.
Proverbs 12:17


Anyone who has used the power of his office as
United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the
free exercise of the ballot by citizens should not
be elevated to our courts. Mr. [Jeff] Sessions has
used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby
attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters.
Coretta Scott King


God, let us walk in truth, live in truth, and be brave
enough to speak the truth.

(Sojourners,   sojo.net)

Monday, February 06, 2017


A guy placed an ad on a Local Affairs website:
"I have two tickets for the 2017 Super Bowl,
both box seats. I paid $2500 for each ticket,
but I didn't realize last year when I bought
them that it was going to be on the same
day as my wedding. I am looking for
someone to take my place. The wedding
is at St. Thomas Church, Providence at 3pm.
Her name is Amanda. She's 5'6", about
130 lbs. She is a good cook, too. She'll be
the one in the white dress."

Sunday, February 05, 2017



Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God. Matthew 5:8


The outstretched arms of Jesus
exclude no one, not the drunk in the
doorway, the panhandler on the street,
gays and lesbians in their isolation,
the most selfish and ungrateful in their
cocoons, the most unjust of employers
and the most overweening of snobs.
The love of Christ embraces all without
exception.    Brennan Manning


Surround us with living saints who
remind us of the sort of people we
are trying to become.   Common Prayer

(Sojourners,   sojo.net)

Wednesday, February 01, 2017


For Christians, in the 25th chapter of Matthew, Jesus makes
clear that how we treat “the stranger” is how we treat him.
That’s what the Gospel text says. And the “stranger” means
immigrants and refugees — the citizens of other nations living
and traveling among us. Therefore, this is a faith issue for us
as Christians. Donald Trump’s executive order on “Protecting
the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States”
is in conflict with our Christian faith, and we will oppose it as
a matter of faith.

President Trump’s executive order is not about security; it is
about ideology.

All of us want and value security. But these refugees have
already been thoroughly vetted. They are mostly women and
children who have had to flee situations of violent conflict —
for their very lives. They are in danger; they are not a danger.
They are refugees fleeing from violence, not the agents of
violence toward us. The world’s experts on refugees around
the globe clearly contradict what the ideologues of the new
White House are saying.

This is a political policy, not a rational one. This is a cruel
policy aimed at refugee families in great need and danger;
not a protective policy for American families. This is a
payback policy aimed at satisfying a political base that has
become hostile and hateful to refugees and immigrants. This
is a dangerous policy that is already alienating our partners
around the world, will be used by our enemies to recruit
against us, and will make us less safe.

We will oppose the executive order as a matter of faith.
This is also a policy aimed at a religion: The seven
nations cited are Muslim-majority nations. Furthermore,
the executive order directs the government to prioritize
admittance of refugees (both as possible exceptions to
the current ban and to get special treatment when and if
the refugee ban is lifted) who suffer “religious persecution”
and belong to “minority religions” in their countries. This
amounts to showing preferential treatment for Christian
refugees over Muslim refugees, which President Trump
admitted to a Christian broadcaster. Giving special
treatment to Christians fleeing violence over Muslims
doing the same is both religiously offensive — to many
of us who are Christian — and contrary to America’s best
and constitutional values.

This policy is also aimed at race: The Muslims being
banned by this order are primarily people of color; and their
targeting is directly related to the white nationalist ideology
that has now taken up office in the White House, which is
a great danger to America’s future. The use of religion and
race for political purposes undermines the United States’
fundamental commitment to being a pluralist and democratic

Christian leaders who supported Donald Trump must speak
up as Christians against policies that attack “the strangers”
for their religion and their race.

Christian leaders who supported Donald Trump should also
stand in opposition to Donald Trump’s recent re-embracing
of torture — which is contrary to Christian values and
principles. Torture is anti-Christian, most Christians believe
that, and all of us must now say that again.

Whether it’s the banning of refugees, the targeting of another
religion, the subtle or direct appeals to racism, or the
endorsement of torture, it is time to speak truth to power.
Religious leaders must speak up against these moral choices
of our new president. There is more than politics at stake here;
at stake is the integrity of our faith and the future of our country.

(Jim Wallis is president of Sojourners)