And as He was praying, the appearance of His face was
altered, and His clothing became dazzling white
(Luke 9:29).
Read Luke 9:28-36
Eight days after Jesus predicted His death and resurrection,
He takes three disciples up a mountain where He is
transfigured before them. Peter had called Him the Christ of
God. Now he can look upon the glorious face of God's
eternal Son. Jesus always had this glory, but from His
conception until that very moment it had been hidden behind
His humanity. Now, for a brief moment, it bursts forth on the
This glorious sight might strengthen Peter, James and John's
false dream of Jesus reigning over a glorious, earthly kingdom.
But Moses and Elijah-two great leaders from the Old
Testament-stand speaking with Jesus about His departure and
how He will complete His earthly mission through His death,
resurrection and ascension. Peter, James and John awaken.
Seeing Moses and Elijah beginning to leave, Peter blurts out
his desire to build three shelters so they can stay
Suddenly, a bright cloud envelopes Jesus and the three
disciples. And from the cloud the voice of the Father speaks out,
"This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!" Jesus has
much to teach them-and us-about our earthly life and how He
will lay down His life, so we might live forever with Him.
After the voice had spoken, Jesus was again alone with them,
back to His normal, veiled appearance. He then leads them
down the mountain on the path that will take Him to the cross.
Almighty God, in Jesus' transfiguration we see His full glory as
Your mighty and eternal Son. Strengthen my trust in Him as my
Savior, so I may see His glory face to face in heaven. I pray this
in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
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