Sunday, April 09, 2006

"Judge Not"


"First remove the plank from your own eye, and the you will see
clearly." (Matthew 7:5)


Boy this scripture sure has a message for me. I used to make it a
practice to judge others. Of course I told myself and others not
to judge people. I had a very good friend who was a know it all.
He was a wonderful, loving person, but there wasn't anything he
didn't know. In my own heart I was very quick to judge him, and
I wasn't afraid to let him and others know. One day I realized that I
was doing the same thing, I had become very proud in my own
knowledge, and through that pride I was very hurtful to another
person in my church. When I saw the hurt and pain in her eyes,
after that terrible comment, I realized that I had not removed
the plank from my own eyes. I have never forgotten that look of
pain. Let God be the judge and take care of your own planks


Lord God I pray for Your strength not to judge others. Please oh mighty
God, let me remember that my calling is compassion not to judge.
In Jesus Name Amen


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