Tuesday, July 18, 2006

All you have to do is Ask?


"Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and you shall find;
knock and it shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks
receives, and who seeks finds and to him wh knocks it shall
be opened" (Matthew 7: 7,8)


Come on do you really believe this verse. All you have to do is
ask, seek, and knock, and it's yours,,,,,come on! You know
something it's true, no lie, its really true. The first thing that I
really wanted of God was His Son to be in my life. There was
a point in my life that I needed someone, and I
needed help. I asked for Jesus to come into
my life, I sought after him and I found Him and knocked and He
opened the door. This works in reverse. Jesus asks, seeks and
knocks for you. Have you ever seen the picture of Christ standing
before a door knocking. That door is the door to your heart.
Notice one important thing about the door, there is no door knob.
You see you have to open the door to let Jesus in.


Thank you lord for coming into my heart. I asked, sought, and knocked
and You came in. Thank you for being my life. THANK YOU GOD FOR


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