Wednesday, May 10, 2006

"Conflict in the Temple"


It was almost time for the Jewish Passover. So Jesus went to
Jerusalem. In Jerusalem Jesus went to the temple. In the
temple area Jesus saw men selling cattle, sheep, and doves.
Jesus saw other men sitting at tables. These men were
exchanging and trading people's money. Jesus made a whip with
some pieces of rope. Then Jesus forced all these men and the
sheep and cattle to leave the temple area. Jesus turned over
the tables and scattered the money of the men that exchange
money. Then Jesus said to the men that were selling pigeons,
"Take these things out of here! Don't make my Father's house
a place for buying and selling!"

-- John 2:13-16 (ERV)


This is a passage in scripture that has always intrigued me. I mean the son of
God is really mad here, He's really angry. Why? I think its a question that
needs an answer. I never really understood how Jesus Christ could loose
His temper like this at the church, until I felt the same way. When I was an
active minister, I found myself becoming so angry and so dissapointed in
the church. Many of the churches I served were no longer interested in serving
God through serving our community. As brothers and sisters in Christ, they
were no longer concerned with poverty, hunger, they no longer showed
compassion to others. They became more interested in the business of the
church and sadly how they could take advantage of their brothers and sisters
in Christ. Jesus Christ wants the church to be a fellowship of His people to be
a place of deliverance, grace and prayer! A church is a place where we worship
God and a place where we serve others.


Dear Lord, as a Christian I pray for compassion for others. Let me live a life
of servitude, Let this be my worship to You. You are a loving and
compassionate God, I pray that I display that love and compassion to all
In Jesus Name Amen.


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