Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Step At A Time


The Lord will guide you continually, watering your life when you are dry and keeping you healthy, too.
Isaiah 58:11 NLT


When I was a kid, I was a dreamer. I used to love to dream about all the
possibilities ahead of me in my life. I was always dreaming, and
wondering what was going to happen. Of course they were dreams,
they really never happened. But I still catch myself wondering what's
in store for me a year from now. I have discovered something
very important to me. Jesus leads me one day at a time, like they
say in AA, one step at a time. There is really no need to worry
about coming events in my life. I'm still a dreamer, but it's nice
to know God is there guiding me. I believe I often know the the way
Jesus is leading, but I still humbly count on His guidance.
God is their for you too, let Him guide you in your life. All you
need to do is have faith, believe in Jesus, let Him guide your


Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
Pilgrim through this barren land;
I am weak, but Thou art mighty;
Hold me with Thy powerful hand;
Bread of heaven,
Feed me till I want no more,
Feed me till I want no more.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Be Ye Humble


"You rescue those who are humble, but you humiliate
the proud. Psalm 18:27 NLT

The high and lofty one who inhabits eternity, the Holy One,
says this: "I live in that high and holy place with those
whose spirits are contrite and humble. I refresh the humble
and give new courage to those with repentant hearts."
Isaiah 57:15 NLT


I really can't begin to tell you how many sermons I have
heard on the subject of Pride and Humility. I've given a few
myself. We are constantly reminded that the original sin was
the sin of pride. Adam and Eve were so full of pride they elevated
themselves above God. Boy did they Blow It. Then we are told
to be humble, a kind of self effacing humility. To elevate yourself
above God is wrong, but to destroy one's self-worth is certainly
not acceptable because it cheapens the high worth God placed
upon us when He created us in His own image. Contrary to
what Martin Luther stated we are not worms. We are people
that God loved so much He gave His Son to die for our sins.
You see we have great value in God's eyes. My goal is to
see myself as God sees me.


Oh Lord thank you for creating me in your own image.
Make humble to the fact that you are my creator, and
that Your love is my biggest desire. THANK YOU GOD

Friday, November 17, 2006

How Do You See God


To the faithful you show yourself faithful; to those with integrity you show integrity.
To the pure you show yourself pure, but to the wicked you show yourself hostile.
You rescue those who are humble.…As for God, his way is perfect. All the Lord's
promises prove true.…Psalm 18:25-27,30 NLT


You know I find it difficult at times to trust. That is a real issue with me.
Trust is an important part of my life. I have been burnt so many times in
my life, that I have found it difficult to trust people. One of the most hurtful pain
in my life is when I was deceived by someone I trusted, and it really hurt. But when
I trust, I give you all my trust. I CAN TRUST JESUS! He gives me His love and He gives
me His compassion and concern every day. My Jesus is a faithful, loving, God. He
is entirely dependable. Love and trust is cheap when it is only given when things
are going good. My Jesus love is always consistent and dependable. Jesus is
there for you. When all around you seems so completely untrustworthy, Jesus is
there for you, Accept Him in your life and you can trust Him too.


Oh Jesus thank you that I can put my whole trust in You. Thank you for
being there for me. THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING GOD

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What to Expect


"No one stood with me, all forsook me....... But the Lord stood with
me and strengthened me. (II Timothy 4:16-17)


As I grow older, which is coming much to fast, I've learned a valuable
lesson. You can't expect to much from people. I have put so much
time, energy and love into friends and family and have seen very little
growth, and receive no acknowledgement for my efforts. I've even seen
some others receive credit for the work I've done. I've come to the
conclusion that if I expect everyone to appreciate what I have done for
them, I'm going to be deeply hurt. Is that my real motive, to be recognized,
or can I give freely not seeking to be seen and applauded for my efforts. You
know what the answer is? I should never expect to gain from others what
only Jesus can give. You see my task, as a follower of Christ, is simply
to give and leave the results to our Master, thats what Jesus did. I look
forward to my reward when I hear these words, "Well done, good and
faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21)


Lord I recognize that the service that I do for God may not be praised by
men, but I know when I stand before you my Lord, You will reward me then.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

A Time To Forgive


Jesus said,"Father forgive them, for they do not know what
they do." (Luke 23: 24)


The recent shootings of four young girls in Pennsylvania has weighed upon my
heart. I was especially struck by the reaction of the Amish Community. What
a wonderful Christian response. These beautiful, gentle, people have
forgiven the shooter. They have offered to help his family and have shown them
their love. This is the same kind of forgiveness Christ showed upon the cross.
I heard it said somewhere that you can only forgive those who want to be
forgiven. This is not true. Jesus forgave the people who crucified him, even
though they were not seeking His forgiveness. This is the foundation of
Christ's teachings, that of forgiveness and compassion. Remember
revenge and bitterness will never be healing responses to the hatred and
rage of a lost world. Please show the compassion of Christ, just as it
was over 2,000 years ago. Learn the foundation message of Christ's
teachings, learn to forgive.


Oh God give me a heart sympathetic and tender; Jesus, like Thine,
Jesus, like Thine, Touched by the needs that are surging around
me, And filled with compassion divine. THANK YOU GOD FOR BEING


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Being Smart Sometimes is Just Not Enough


"Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and did not fully
follow the Lord". (I Kings 11:6)


If you look back at history some of the smartest people in the world did
some of the dumbest things. They often fall short in the area of moral
discernment, often leading to tragic results. It is really obvious that a
high IQ is not enough to keep a person from bad choices. Solomon is
a perfect example, a King rich in treasures and wisdom made terrible choices.
After being told not to marry foreign woman, he did anyway, and they
turned his heart to other Gods. You know what this proves to me is that
the ability to make good decisions demands a heart devoted to God.
Our world today is filled with smart people who make immoral decisions.
The next time you vote, ask yourself this, Is my heart devoted to God? If
it is make your decision and vote. For once make the right choice, make
the moral choice.


Lord give me wisdom to make the right choices. Make my heart pure and
totally devoted to You. When I make this choice may it be according to your