Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pray for Peace

This is a prayer I pray everyday. It is my prayer
that it is your prayer.

Prayer for Peace

Heal my wounded heart.
Grant me the courage to change my heart.
Let Peace live in my heart.

Fill me with compassion for those suffering in war.
Help me care for those in war.
Help me bring Peace to those in war.

Help me stop wars.
Help soldiers stop wars.
Help leaders stop wars.

Fill me with Peace and Justice.
Help me to work for Peace with Justice.
Let there be Peace with Justice among all peoples.

Sunday, January 28, 2007



"You shall not kill Exodus 20:13)


Thats what it says, "Don't Kill". It very simply means
you don't kill another person. There is no room for
error here, there are no exceptions. It doesn't say except
an abortion, except war, except capital punishment, except
if our way of life is being threatened. It says "Do not kill".
we are to follow this commandment. There are no
exceptions. It's hard but true. It is basic all to which
Christ teaches, about loving your enemy and forgiveness.
This commandment is central to our faith. It seems to
me that this is a part of our faith. Many of us like to
overlook this commandment. But it's there!
And we must deal with it. Its amazing to me that when
we find something that is difficult for us to accept, we
make exceptions. The problem is I don't see
any. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" . I have always believed
that the meaning of these words, is what makes us
different from other faiths, it's what make us a loving
and compassionate people. When killing does take
place, as Christians we can help. We can help heal
the Spirit, we can council those who have killed, we
can help heal the physical and spiritual wounds.
We can stand up and show what Christ's love is.
We can let our neighbors, our enemies, the whole
world know that we take this commandment seriously.
We Don't Kill.


Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred . . . let me sow love
Where there is injury . . . pardon
Where there is doubt . . . faith
Where there is despair . . . hope
Where there is darkness . . . light
Where there is sadness . . . joy
O, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled . . . as to console
To be understood . . . as to understand,
To be loved . . . as to love
For it is in giving . . . that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,
It is in dying . . . that we are born to eternal life.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Golden Rule (part two)


Do to others what you would have them do to you (Matthew 7:12).


You know one of the basic desires of being human is to be treated
right. Everybody that I know likes to be treated honestly, with
compassion, and forgiveness by others. I know that I settle for
nothing less. The problem of course is that not everybody treats me
that way. This part of the golden rule, I was lucky enough to learn
early in my life. It is a part of the rule that is so very important to
my life. I discovered that if I want people to treat me with honesty,
compassion and forgiveness, I needed to treat them with those
same virtues. Thats right if I want to be treated right I have to treat
others right. That makes sense to me. During a recent stay in
the local hospital, I was treated like a king, I was treated with love
and caring. The nurses were fantastic, there kindness was so
obvious to me. When checking out, I told the head nurse about her
nurses. You know what she said, "thats because you cared". Jesus
cares too.


Jesus, thank you for all those who have showed their kindness and
compassion to me, give me the spirit to return it. THANK YOU GOD FOR
BEING GOD!!!!!!!

Golden Rule (part two)


* Do to others what you would have them do to you (Matthew 7:12).


You know one of the basic desires of being human is to be treated
right. Everybody that I know likes to be treated honestly, with
compassion, and forgiveness by others. I know that I settle for
nothing less. The problem of course is that not everybody treats me
that way. This part of the golden rule, I was lucky enough to learn
early in my life. It is a part of the rule that is so very important to
my life. I discovered that if I want people to treat me with honesty,
compassion and forgiveness, I needed to treat them with those
same virtues. Thats right if I want to be treated right I have to treat
others right. That makes sense to me. During a recent stay in
the local hospital, I was treated like a king, I was treated with love
and caring. The nurses were fantastic, there kindness was so
obvious to me. When checking out, I told the head nurse about her
nurses. You know what she said, "thats because you cared". Jesus
cares too.


Jesus, thank you for all those who have showed their kindness and
compassion to me, give me the spirit to return it. THANK YOU GOD FOR
BEING GOD!!!!!!!

Golden Rule (part two)


* Do to others what you would have them do to you (Matthew 7:12).


You know one of the basic desires of being human is to be treated
right. Everybody that I know likes to be treated honestly, with
compassion, and forgiveness by others. I know that I settle for
nothing less. The problem of course is that not everybody treats me
that way. This part of the golden rule, I was lucky enough to learn
early in my life. It is a part of the rule that is so very important to
my life. I discovered that if I want people to treat me with honesty,
compassion and forgiveness, I needed to treat them with those
same virtues. Thats right if I want to be treated right I have to treat
others right. That makes sense to me. During a recent stay in
the local hospital, I was treated like a king, I was treated with love
and caring. The nurses were fantastic, there kindness was so
obvious to me. When checking out, I told the head nurse about her
nurses. You know what she said, "thats because you cared". Jesus
cares too.


Jesus, thank you for all those who have showed their kindness and
compassion to me, give me the spirit to return it. THANK YOU GOD FOR
BEING GOD!!!!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Golden Rule (part one)


"Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31).


Boy there is a rule to live by. There are 2 very important
components to the rule. These Components are very
important to us as Christians. The first one is to love your
neighbor. Who is my neighbor? The family that lives on
the right side of me, the man who lives on the left side of
me, the people that work with me, my brothers and sisters
in church, the people who I meet shopping, the city 2 miles
away, all the folks who live in the state to the north, south,
east, and west, Canada, Mexico, yes even Cuba, Russia,
China, Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, in other words
everyone is my neighbor, all human kind are my brother and
sisters. The 2nd component is to love them as myself. God
loved me so much that He created me in His own image. The
very least I can do is to love His creation, including me. I
guess what it comes down to is to love everyone. Jesus
even included my neighbors who are my enemies, I even
love them.


'Thank you Jesus for Love!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR

Monday, January 08, 2007

A Word to My Friends


"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us
what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our
lives. I t straightens us out and teaches us to do what is
right". (2 Timothy 3:16) (NLT)


I want you to notice that the Scripture verse does not
say Rev. Kim Olson is inspired by God, it says All
Scripture is inspired by God. I am not perfect, The
Holy Scriptures are. I do not speak for God, I only
speak as His loyal servant. Some of my future Reflections
you will surely disagree with, this is good. Some will be
angered, some will agree, and some will get disgusted
and quite reading my blog. Please always keep this in
mind, my interpretation of the Scriptures is my interpretation,
not anyone else's. But always remember that my
interpretation is based on Scripture no other book.
I am a Christian first, a theologian second. I hope you
enjoy my future blogs and when you disagree with me,
which you will, base your interpretation on the Scripture.

Pastor Kim

Monday, January 01, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a prayer for the New Year by
Edgar A. Guest. I thought you might
enjoy it. Have a happy and Christ
filled New Year.

Prayer for the New Year

Grant me the strength from day to day
To bear what burdens come my way.
Grant me throughout this bright New Year
More to endure and less to fear.
Help me live that I may be
From spite and petty malice free.

Let me not bitterly complain
When cherished hopes of mine prove vain,
Or spoil with deeds of hate and rage
Some fair tomorrow's spotless page.
Lord, as the days shall come and go
In courage let me stronger grow.

Lord, as the New Year dawns today
Help me to put my faults away.
Let me be big in little things;
Grant me the joy which friendship brings.
Keep me from selfishness and spite;
Let me be wise in what is right.

A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye.
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year.

- Edgar A. Guest



"I am the door, if anyone enters through Me he shall
be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture."
(John 10:11)


Christ is the Good Shepherd. He is the door you must
open, in order to receive salvation. I love the following
analogy: Jesus has a door knob on His heart, all you
have to do is open it for salvation. There is no door knob
on your heart, and Jesus is knocking, you have to open
the door to your heart to let Jesus in. Salvation means
there is more than this life. Salvation means there is a
future, and eternal future. Salvation means to be with
Jesus forever. Salvation means to never be separated
from God. Salvation gives me a reason to live, a
reason to continue, a reason to love, to care, to exist.
Open now that door to your heart, let Jesus in,
receive SALVATION!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you God for my salvation. Thank you that
I will be with You Forever. THANK YOU GOD FOR