The Golden Rule (part one)
"Love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31).
Boy there is a rule to live by. There are 2 very important
components to the rule. These Components are very
important to us as Christians. The first one is to love your
neighbor. Who is my neighbor? The family that lives on
the right side of me, the man who lives on the left side of
me, the people that work with me, my brothers and sisters
in church, the people who I meet shopping, the city 2 miles
away, all the folks who live in the state to the north, south,
east, and west, Canada, Mexico, yes even Cuba, Russia,
China, Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, in other words
everyone is my neighbor, all human kind are my brother and
sisters. The 2nd component is to love them as myself. God
loved me so much that He created me in His own image. The
very least I can do is to love His creation, including me. I
guess what it comes down to is to love everyone. Jesus
even included my neighbors who are my enemies, I even
love them.
'Thank you Jesus for Love!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GOD FOR
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