Sunday, April 15, 2007



Scripture: The Resurrection (Matthew 28: 1-20


The believer must never lose sight of the significance
of the resurrection...There are 2 questions we should
ask as a result of the resurrection: Do our lives
demonstrate that we serve a risen Lord and Savior?
and Do we possess the hope, peace, and strength
that the reality and power of His resurrection gives
to the Christian? I look at my life and I ask these
questions. You see that is what makes our faith
so unique. We do not serve a mere prophet, a
teacher, a king who are all dead. We serve a
risen Savior, a risen prophet, a risen teacher, a
risen king. We serve the Son of God! He is not
dead but alive. Can people look at us and know
we are serving a living, breathing, loving God. Do
we demonstrate our Savior in our lives. Do we
have the hope, peace, and strength that the very
reality of the Resurrection gives to us as Christians.
Is your life filled with this hope and peace and do
you have the strength to carry on. You see we
we receive all of this from the fact that our
Savior Jesus Christ died and was resurrected.
In His final time on earth Jesus Christ told us
to go and preach the Gospel to all people. Does
your life posses the power of the resurrected
Christ to proclaim to all the love and power of
a risen Savior?


Resurrection Prayer

O Risen Lord,
the way, the truth and the life,
make us faithful followers
of the spirit of your resurrection.
Grant that we may be inwardly
renewed; dying to ourselves
in order that you may live in us.
May our lives serve as signs
of the transforming power of your love
Use us as your instruments
for the renewal of society,
bring your life and love to all
and leading them to your Church.
This we ask of you, Lord Jesus,
living and reigning with the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever. Amen


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