Ok I'll pray, how do you do it?
"This then is how you pray: Our Father Who art in Heaven."
(Matthew 6:9) (Lords Prayer)
Do you pray a lot? I really hope so, believe me it helps.
I often pray and I always begin my prayers with the Lord's
Prayer. Mainly because this is how He taught us to pray.
I keep the following in mind when I pray, I use the Lord's
Prayer as my guide and example:
1- The OBJECT of my prayer (Our Father in Heaven)
My Father God is always the object of my prayer,
no one else.
2- The PRIVILEGE of my prayer (Hallowed be Your
Name). It is my privilege to be talking with my
3- The POWER of my prayer (Your Kingdom come)
There is no greater power than God's Kingdom.
4- The PROVISION of my prayer (Give us this day
our daily bread) My God does provide.
5- The PROJECT of my prayer ( Deliver us from evil)
My God is there for me always to deliver me from
the evil one.
I really attempt to keep these things in mine when
I pray. They help me to remember that God is there
for me, loving and caring for me. You see prayer, to
me, is not only an act of communication with God,
it is an act of worship. Now there is only one thing
left to do, PRAY.
Our Father Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven,
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who
sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
For thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the
Glory forever and ever. Amen
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