Monday, November 17, 2008


"Finally, all of you, love in harmony with one another,
be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate
and humble....that you may inherit a blessing."
(1 Peter 3:8-9)


We have all heard the quote that says, "Two
wrongs don't make a right". That statement is
quite logical but logic flies out the window when
someone hurts you. But before you strike
back, stop remember that the love of Christ
in your heart can absorb the hurt and can
enable you to bless you would be adversary.
That's right you can bless him. Thank God
that His Spirit will give you grace to follow the
example set by Christ Himself.

Prayer For President-Elect:

O Lord God, You are mighty and strong,
unshakable and powerful in all Your ways.
I praise You for calling us to hide in You,
to take refuge in You during times when
we are tempted to fear. When things in
our lives appear to be falling apart, I
thank You that You are immovable
and strong.

Today I pray for the President-Elect,
that You will help and empower him
to place his full trust in You. Make
him fearless, Lord. May he replace
any fear he feels with confidence
and trust in You at every turn. Hold
him firmly in Your hand as he trusts
in You, O mighty God. In Your
wonderful name, amen.


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