Friday, March 27, 2009



We give thanks to God the Father of our
Lord Jesus Christ, for we have heard that
you trust in Christ Jesus and that you love
all of God's people. Colossians 1:3-4


I'm not sure why I was thinking about this,
but the other day I was thinking about my funeral.
I know it sounds kind of morbid, but do
you ever do that? Anyway I was wondering
what people would say about me and what
I would want them to say about me. This
verse came to my mind. I would like to be
remembered for two things, nothing more
and nothing less. I would like to be
remembered for my faith in God, the Father of'
my Savior Jesus Christ and my love for others.
You see I really do love God the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit. I'm still excited about the
words, and wonders of God, God is very
personal and up close with me, and I like
sharing my God with others. I love being with
people, people who share my faith, people who
have other faiths, and people who have very little
faith. I love being with people, talking with them,
listening to them, and most of all being of service
to them. That's it and nothing else. How about
you? How do you want people to know and
remember you? Those questions certainly
make you evaluate and think about your life


Sweet Jesus, I praise Your name and I shout out
with joy for Your presence in my life, and for the
anointing power of Your Holy Spirit which is helping
me to go deeper in Your truths and soar higher in
Your power. I turn my eyes to the heavens anticipating
new wisdom and deeper insights into Your sacred truths.
Thank You oh God for my faith and my love. In Jesus
Name Amen.


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