Tuesday, April 28, 2009


God was not created for man to enjoy,
but man was created for God to enjoy,
Man is God's richest treasure and must
be restored to Him-not for the sake of
the treasure, but for the sake of the
We preach, not because me want God,
but because God wants men. We go
forth with the Gospel not because men
are godless, but because God is manless.
Salvation has not been provided simply that
man might rejoice in heaven, but that
heaven might rejoice in man.
Though the arms of the cross reach
around the world as an expression
of man's opportunity for deliverance from
sin, yet we do not fully understand
Calvary until we have seen it from above.
From that perspective we begin to
realize that missions is not a
response to man's desire for God, but
to God's desire for man.
The "Great Commission" was His
thought, not ours. It grew out of God's
desire to enjoy eternal fellowship with
For His sake, let's get on with the job.

Don W. Hillis


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