Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Readings: Isaiah 49:1-6;
John 13:21-33; 36-38


"I tell you solemnly; one of
you will betray me!" (John 13:21)


Throughout Jesus' ministry He always
spoke of love without limits, forgiveness
instead of revenge, and service over
domination. In our gospel, Jesus
struggles with His own commitment to
live those words that He has spoken so
often and so fervently. We see that Jesus
is "deeply troubled," His depression arising
from the betrayal of Judas and the lying of
Peter. Now Jesus must forgive the betrayal
and deceit that has torn and ripped apart
the fabric of love between Him and His
friends. Jesus realizes that He must stand
alone to face his sufferings and death. It
will not be His disciples or His friends that
see Him through, but only His trust in God.
Jesus believes God will not fail Him.

The words of Isaiah give Jesus hope that
there is an anchor in this sea of deceit:
"The Lord called me from birth, from my
mother's womb he gave me my name.
God is now my strength." (Isaiah 49:1, 5).

We also are not free from the disciples' flaws.
How often have we been like Judas, rejecting
the call to love and entering the darkness,
or like Peter, lying to protect our own skins?
We ask forgiveness and renew our fidelity to
the Lord Who walks alone.


Father, may we receive your forgiveness and
mercy as we celebrate the passion and death
of the Lord, who lives and reigns with you and
the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.


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