Wednesday, May 26, 2010



Hebrews 11:8-12

"By faith Abraham obeyed when he
was called......And he went out, not
knowing where he was going.
(Hebrews 11:8)

I have a question for you today.
Has God ever asked you to do
something that seemed to you,
at the moment, to be unreasonable?
Something that took you into the
realm of the unknown. Let me ask you,
What if God asked you to turn down a
long awaited promotion, or to avoid a long
awaited relationship with a person you


What if God called you to a remote part of
the world or asked you to let go of your
children to serve him in a faraway country.
Facing the unknown brings all kinds of
"what if's" into our minds. Yet God quit
often asks us to chart unknown territory as
we follow Him. Lets say, to obey His
commands to forgive, or give away all
of our earthly riches to the poor, or to give
up things that provide security and pleasure
often leaves us in the very scary territory of
the unknown outcomes. This is really scary
to us not knowing how things are going to turn
out. Fear of the unknown is number one on
our fear factor scale.
Now imagine Abraham and how he felt when
God asked him to literally move his whole
family without telling him where he was
going (Gen. 12: 1-3). God also asked
Abraham to persevere, to stay in unknown
land while he was been seduced to return
with his family to the past comforts of Ur.
As our life continues, it is like entering
uncharted territory. The fear of the unknown
could cripple our capacity to follow God's
leading through the days ahead. Yet like
Abraham, when we cling to the One who
knows all things, WE ARE IN GOOD HANDS,
regardless where He leads us.


Oh God, I realize that many things about
tomorrow, I don't understand. But I do know
that You hold on to me tomorrow, YOU HOLD


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