Thursday, April 28, 2011


Well the Government isn't shuttin down.

Do you feel a great sense of relief?
I know I did.
Then I began to really think how I had
let this situation become so important
in my life. I started to ask myself,
"Is it really that important?",
Then I began to remember who is our
source of supply, who is our guide in
good times as well as difficult times,
we are able to have peace because we
are trusting Him to direct us and guide
us through whatever difficulties we could
face. He is the only one we can trust.

I know there are people who have great jobs
and at the end of the month there is money
left over. But those jobs could be gone
just like that. Your health may even take
a turn for the worse, you never know what
might happen. The unexpected can show
up anytime in our lives.
I have discovered that security in my life
doesn't depend on outward circumstances.
He can and does provide for me in ways that
I never expected. My Savior is my security.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Lenten Meditation


Read John 21:1-19.

TEXT: "When they had finished breakfast,
Jesus said to Simon Peter, 'Simon, son
of John, do you love Me more than these? ..."
(John 21:15a).

We are often cut to the core by our own
sins, by the hasty words and hurtful things
we have done and by our failure to do the
good things God put it in our power to do.
The scar of our personal failings can run
very deep in us, just as the scar of Peter's
three denials ran deep.

After His resurrection our Lord went to work
right away healing that wound. Luke tells us
that Jesus made an appearance to Peter on
the afternoon of His resurrection (Luke 24:34).
And in today's reading John records another
special conversation between Jesus and Peter.

On that dark night in Jerusalem Simon denied
His Savior three times. Now, on this bright
morning at the Sea of Tiberius, Jesus leads
Peter to confess his devotion to His Savior
three times. Then Jesus gives Peter a glorious
promise. In the future, when Peter's life is in
danger for Jesus' sake, he will not weaken in
denial. Simon Peter will remain faithful in his
confession and die as a martyr of Jesus Christ.

Jesus died and rose again for your sins-each
and every one of them. They are all forgiven.
This is something He constantly reminds you
through His Word, through the waters of your
Baptism and by the body and blood He gives
you in worship-the price He willingly paid for
your eternal salvation. His Holy Spirit will keep
you strong in the confession of His Name, until
our Lord welcomes you into paradise.


Lord Jesus, let Your light continue to shine in
this dark world, that with boldness and confidence
I may live for You, until You come again and
scatter the darkness forever. I pray in Your holy
Name. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Sunday, April 24, 2011



Mathew 28:5,6
"Do not be afraid for I know that you
are looking for Jesus, who was crucified
6 He is not here: He has risen, just
as He said.


I am so happy today that Jesus Christ
is risen from the dead. I am excited!
Because of today I am able to experience
the Presence of the Risen Lord.
There is Power in the Resurrection of Jesus
Christ. The Resurrection Power of God is
telling us that He is here always!

You see you don't have to be afraid, you
don't have to be anxious, you don't have
to be alone. WHY! BECAUSE HE IS

Prayer of Resurrection:

Gracious God, Let your resurrected life find
witness in our lives, Let us be for others what
you are for us. As you provide us with your
grace each and every day, let us become
your grace for others and true followers of your
Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Lenten Meditations

Out from the Darkness Holy Saturday


Read John 19:31-42.

TEXT: "So they (Joseph and Nicodemus)
took the body of Jesus and bound it in
linen cloths with the spices, as is the
burial custom of the Jews" (John 19:40).

Good Friday is drawing to its close. With
the Passover quickly approaching, Pilate
orders the legs of the crucified men to be
broken so they will die quickly. The legs
of the two criminals hanging at Jesus'
side are broken. But since Jesus is
already dead His side is pierced with a
spear instead and out flows blood and
water-proof that the King of the Jews
is truly dead.

That's when a secret disciple of Jesus
steps forward. Joseph of Arimathea is a
prominent member of the Jewish high
court who did not agree with their
decision to put Jesus to death. He
boldly steps out of the darkness and
asks Pilate for permission to bury Jesus'
body. Pilate grants it.

Another secret disciple joins him. The
Pharisee Nicodemus who had snuck
through the darkness of night to talk to
Jesus now steps into the light and helps
Joseph lay our Lord's body to rest in
Joseph's new tomb.

But it is only a rest. Death has no hold
over Jesus' body. It cannot even touch
His body with the stain of decay. On the
third day He will rise to life and live forever.

One day you and I will be laid in our own
graves. But for all of us who trust in Jesus
Christ as our Savior, our future will be the
same as His. Our bodies will rest in the
grave until He returns; then Jesus will
raise us to share paradise with Him forever.

Lord Jesus, thank You for hallowing our
graves through Your rest in the grave. Fill
us with joy and confidence-even in the face
of death-so that we will see You with our
own eyes when You come to wake our
bodies from death. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Friday, April 22, 2011


Paid in Full Good Friday


Read John 19:16-30.

TEXT: "So he delivered Him over to
them to be crucified. So they took
Jesus, and He went out, bearing His
own cross, to the place called The
Place of a Skull, which in Aramaic is
called Golgotha" (John 19:16-17).

Jesus shows remarkable strength in
His first three hours on the cross.
Even while He is suffering for our sins,
His focus is not on Himself, but on the
people around Him. Seeing His
enemies He pleads, "Father, forgive
them, for they know not what they do
" (Luke 23:34a). He promises the
repentant criminal at His side, "Today
You will be with Me in paradise"
(Luke 23:43b). He provides a disciple
to care for His mother after He is gone
"Woman, behold, your son!" and to the
disciple, "Behold, your mother!"
(John 19:26b, 27b).

Then at noon comes the darkness.
Luke tells us the sun stopped shining.
Jesus hangs alone in the darkness
silently suffering God's wrath at the sins
of the world. Finally, after three hours
He cries out in agony, "My God, My God,
why have You forsaken Me?"
(Matthew 27:46b).

By three in the afternoon, it is over. God
the Father has unleashed His full wrath-
not a single one of our sins has gone
unpunished. John tells us, "Jesus,
knowing that all was now finished, said,
(to fulfill the Scripture) 'I thirst'"
(John 19:28). And "When Jesus had
received the sour wine, He said,
'It is finished,' and He bowed His head
and gave up His spirit" (John 19:30).
There is nothing left for us to pay. We
are free, and the doors of heaven are
open wide to us through Jesus' life,
death and resurrection.

Jesus offers His last confident prayer:
"Father, into Your hands I commit My
spirit" (Luke 23:46b).


Lord Jesus, on the cross You suffered
the wrath of God for all of our sins, and
paid the price in full. Receive our thanks
and gratitude for Your amazing sacrifice
and the life that is ours because of Your
death. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Lenten Meditation

One Last Card to Play Maundy Thursday


Read John 19:1-16.

TEXT: "Pilate went out again and said to them,
'See, I am bringing Him out to you that you
may know that I find no guilt in Him.' So Jesus
came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the
purple robe. Pilate said to them, 'Behold the
man!'" (John 19:4-5).

Pilate has one last, desperate trick up his
sleeve. It's a long shot, but it's his last chance
to set Jesus free. He orders our Lord to be
flogged. Many died from such a cruel scourging;
others died later from the complications of
those severe injuries. Pilate thought the
scourging might just satisfy the blood lust of
the Jewish authorities.

As Pilate had Jesus brought forward it was a
pitiful sight to behold. Jesus had been beaten
severely. A crown of bloody thorns was on His
head and a blood-soaked, purple robe was
draped around His shoulders. Clearly, the
Jewish authorities could not consider Him a
threat now.

But once they had gotten a taste of Jesus'
blood, the authorities had only one thing to
say, "Crucify Him, Crucify Him!"

Tonight we gather in church to celebrate the
Lord's Supper and receive His true body and
blood. We remember Pilate pointing and saying,
"Behold the man!" We remember John the
Baptist pointing and saying, "Behold the Lamb
of God who takes away the sins of the world.
" We remember this body was beaten and
nailed to the cross for us. This blood was
shed by the scourge and nails for us. And
because Jesus offered His body and poured
out His blood in our place-as our Substitute-

"Do this in remembrance of Me" (Luke 22:19b).


Lord Jesus, You freely offered Your body and
blood for our salvation. Move me to receive it
in gratitude and joy, and to serve You
throughout my days.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Lenten Meditation

Pilate's Gamble


Read John 18:38-40.

"But you have a custom that I should
release one man for you at the Passover.
So do you want me to release to you the
King of the Jews?" (John 18:39).

Pilate won't listen to Jesus; he is too
busy trying to work this out himself. How
can he force the Jewish authorities to
accept his decision to set Jesus free?
Maybe one of the local customs might do
the trick. It was implemented to improve
Roman-Jewish relations. At the Passover
feast, the Roman governors released a
prisoner the Jewish crowds requested.
Normally it was a popular person who had
been imprisoned for speaking against the
Roman government. This time Pilate would
offer the choice between Jesus and the
most dangerous criminal in the prison:

This was a stroke of genius! Jesus offered
no true threat to public safety and clearly
Barabbas was as dangerous to the Jewish
leaders as he was to the Romans. But Pilate
misjudges the Jewish leaders, who are
convinced Jesus is a much greater threat to
them and to the Jewish nation than Barabbas.

When the leaders convince the crowd to
demanded Barabbas' release and crucify
Jesus, Pilate finds himself in a far worse
position than if he had simply set Jesus free
and lived with the consequences.

Whenever we shun the responsibilities God
gives us-to speak up for those who are
defenseless, to bring up our children in the
fear and knowledge of God or those in any
other area of life-we are just like Pontius

Jesus didn't step away from His responsibility
but freely took the punishment of our sins upon


Lord, thank You for paying the price for all the
times I walk away from the responsibilities You
give me. Give me courage and commitment to
step forward and do what You want me to do.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Lenten Meditation

Jesus' Witness to Pilate


Read John 18:33-38a.

(Jesus said) 'Everyone who is of the
truth listens to My voice'" (John 18:37b).

The true significance of Christ's comments
to Pilate is simply lost on Pilate. He has
other things on his mind. They are things
he thinks are far more important like saving
his career. His attention is squarely on
himself and what impact this trial will make
on his future.

But God does two things to turn Pilate's
attention to the innocent man standing
before him. First, Pilate's wife sends him a
message, "Have nothing to do with that
righteous man, for I have suffered much
because of Him today in a dream"
(Matthew 27:19). Second, God sends His
Son to speak to Pilate directly.

Jesus says, "Everyone who is of the truth
listens to My voice." This is a challenge to
Pilate: is truth important to him? Obviously,
he is taking great risks to set an innocent
man free, but does he want to hear the
truth Jesus came to bring?

Many times in our lives Jesus' still, small
voice speaks to us through the clamor and
clatter of our daily lives. Are we willing to
put it all aside to listen to the One who
offers us eternal life?

Pilate gives his famous reply, "What is
truth?" Sadly, he isn't interested in what
Jesus has to say, he just wants to end
the discussion.

Jesus offers you and me words of truth
and eternal life. But how often do we
dismiss Him and cut Him off like Pilate
did? How often are we distracted by
earthly things we think are more


Lord, thank You for speaking words
of truth to me. Forgive me for cutting
You short. Please speak, for Your
servant is now listening.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Monday, April 18, 2011


Lenten Meditation


TEXT: "Pilate said to them, 'Take Him yourselves
and judge Him by your own law.' ..." (John 18:31a).

Only John's Gospel shows us Jesus' trial before
Annas the former high priest. Then John leaves
out Jesus' official trial before Caiaphas the high
priest. Instead, he jumps straight to Jesus' trial
before Pontius Pilate.

This trial is very strange. Jesus is brought into
the official residence of the Roman military
governor, but the Jewish authorities refuse to
enter. Though they have no problem railroading
the innocent Son of God to His death, they are
careful not to defile themselves by entering the
home of a Gentile. So Pilate is forced to go back
and forth between Jesus and them.

The trial is a bitter power struggle between Pilate
and the Jewish authorities. Pilate quickly concludes
Jesus is innocent and wants to set Him free. But
finding himself in a very precarious position with
the emperor, Pilate must handle this case very
delicately; he especially cannot afford to lose
control and see a riot start.

On the other side, the Jewish authorities are
desperate to have Jesus executed, but they are
not in the position where they can do it themselves.
Years before the Roman governor had removed the
right for the Jewish authorities to inflict capital
punishment. So if they want Jesus dead, they have
to convince Pilate one way or another. So we see
the battle begin-with Jesus' life hanging in the

The truth is that God is in control of what He is
doing for each of us by Christ's crucifixion, as we
shall see in the coming days

THE PRAYER: Lord Jesus, all around us people
are plotting and scheming for control. Many times
we too want to find some way to control events
happening in our own lives. Remind us that You
are firmly in control so we may rest in Your hands
and watch You work for our good. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Sunday, April 17, 2011



Our Daily Bread Radio is hosted by
Les Lamborn


Read: Luke 19:28-40

Blessed is [He] who comes in the
name of the Lord! —Luke 19:38

Imagine standing shoulder to shoulder
with onlookers by a dirt road. The
woman behind you is on her tiptoes,
trying to see who is coming. In the
distance, you glimpse a man riding a
donkey. As He approaches, people toss
their coats onto the road. Suddenly,
you hear a tree crack behind you. A
man is cutting down palm branches,
and people are spreading them out
ahead of the donkey.

Jesus’ followers zealously honored
Him as He entered Jerusalem a few
days before His crucifixion. The
multitude rejoiced and praised God
for “all the mighty works they had seen”
(Luke 19:37). Jesus’ devotees surrounded
Him, calling out, “Blessed is the King
who comes in the name of the Lord!”
(v.38). Their enthusiastic honor affected
the people of Jerusalem. When Jesus
finally arrived, “all the city was moved,
saying, ‘Who is this?’” (Matt. 21:10).

Today, people are still curious about
Jesus. Although we can’t pave His way
with palm branches or shout praises to
Him in person, we can still honor Him.
We can discuss His remarkable works,
assist people in need (Gal. 6:2), patiently
bear insults (1 Peter 4:14-16), and love
each other deeply (v.8). Then we must
be ready to answer the onlookers who
ask, “Who is Jesus?”

So let our lips and lives express
The holy gospel we profess;
So let our works and virtues shine,
To prove the doctrine all divine. —Watts

We honor God’s name when we call Him our Father
and live like His Son.



I worship you Lord! You did not enter
your holy city Jerusalem on the back
of a war horse, but humbly and on a
donkey. You knew that you were
surrounded by murderers, yet you
came in peace, and by your sacrifice
you would utterly conquer death before
the week had passed. You, oh Lord,
are blessed and worthy of my praise.
You have saved your people. I say,
"you are my king!" ... I long to live in
the city where you sit on the throne!
Establish your Kingdom, so that your
people can live in peace. Jesus, I bow
before you, and I will sing your praises
until your Kingdom comes and is
established, and forever after.

Friday, April 15, 2011


Lenten Meditation

Jesus' Arrest


Read John 18:1-12.

TEXT: "Then Jesus, knowing all that
would happen to Him, came forward
and said to them, 'Whom do you seek?'"
(John 18:4).

Jesus has led His disciples to the
Garden of Gethsemane. Out of the
darkness we see lanterns and torches
winding their way across the Mount of
Olives toward the Garden. Judas leads
Roman soldiers and Jewish officers.
Jesus knows what is about to happen.
But He doesn't cower in the corner; He
goes out to them and asks whom they
are seeking. They reply, "Jesus of

Jesus answers with three short words,
"I am He," and the power of His words
knock Judas, the soldiers and the officers
backward. Firmly in control of the situation,
Jesus orders the guards to let His disciples
go. The soldiers obey, and they flee away
into the dark.

Not only did Jesus protect His disciples,
He also made one last attempt to reach
Judas. In the dark hour to come, when
Judas would be overwhelmed with guilt,
Jesus wanted him to remember this moment.
Jesus was not a helpless victim swept away
by Judas' kiss. Jesus was in complete
control. He permitted Himself to be arrested,
tried, condemned and crucified. He could
have stopped it at any time. But because of
His love for the Father and for each of us, He
will not end it but carry it through to its
completion-and our ultimate salvation.

Because He loves us so much when those
powers of darkness were trying their worst,
so He also loves us when those powers of
darkness come after you in your life.


Lord Jesus, thank You for stepping forward
to suffer death for our sins, even death by
crucifixion. Give us courage and confidence
in the dark hours of our lives to remember
that You are still completely in control.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Thursday, April 14, 2011


The High Priestly Prayer

Lenten Meditation

Read John 17.

TEXT: "When Jesus had spoken these
words, He lifted up His eyes to heaven,
and said, 'Father, the hour has come;
glorify Your Son that the Son may
glorify You'" (John 17:1).

Jesus has finished His Last Supper
and offers a special prayer before
leading His disciples to the Garden
of Gethsemane. We call it the High
Priestly Prayer because Jesus our
great High Priest offers prayers for
Himself, His apostles, and all who
believe in Him.

Jesus first prays that God the Father
would glorify Himself through Jesus'
coming death. The Roman cross was
never connected with glory; it was a
symbol of shame and dishonor.
St. Paul would call it a "stumbling
block to the Jews" and "foolishness
to the Gentiles" (1 Corinthians 1:22).
The Jews stumbled over the idea that
God would let His own Son suffer
and die on a cross, rather than sit in
glory on a throne. The Gentiles thought
it foolishness that you could receive
salvation through someone else's

Jesus prays to His Father to keep
His eleven disciples in His Name.
He is about to leave this world, so
He asks the Father to keep them in
faith, that believing they may share
the one true Gospel, which brings
salvation by God's grace through
faith for Jesus' sake.

The final part of Jesus' prayer
touches us, and all who have heard
and believed the words of the apostles.
May we glorify Him by trusting in
Jesus as our only Savior from our sin
and death, and tell others of His great
and incomparable love.


Lord God, as You glorified Your
Son Jesus Christ through His death
and resurrection, keep us in Your
Name through this true faith, and
bless us to share it with all those
around us. In Jesus' Name.

Lutheran Hour Ministries


Lenten Meditation

Washing an Unclean Disciple

Read John 13:1-20.

TEXT: "... (Jesus said) 'You are clean,
but not every one of you.' ..." (John 13:10b).

Jesus has preached His last message
to the crowds. Now He spends one final
night before His suffering and death with
His disciples in the upper room,
preparing them for what is about to happen.

In the middle of supper Jesus does
something totally unexpected. Taking
off His outer garments He goes around
the table washing the disciples' feet one
by one, the way the lowliest slave in the
household would. It is a demonstration
of His absolute humility, love and care-a
demonstration He will repeat for the whole
world the next day on the cross.

For Peter it is too much. He objects and
receives a firm correction from Jesus:
"If I do not wash you, you have no share
with Me." Then Peter goes to the other
extreme asking Jesus to wash all of him.
Jesus points out that the one who has
had a bath does not need to bathe again,
only to wash the part of him that is unclean.

Jesus is pointing to Judas, the one who
has abandoned his Lord and become
unclean and is even now awaiting the
chance to betray Him. The other eleven
are forgiven, cleansed of their sins because
they still walk in the light by faith; Judas
has rejected that light and walks in darkness.
Very gently Jesus reaches out to His lost
disciple in an unforgettable demonstration
of His love, forgiveness and acceptance. It's
a demonstration He wants Judas to remember
when he is gripped by guilt and remorse for
what he is about to do.

Lord Jesus, forgive my wandering heart.
Help me to see Your great love for me and
remember what You have done to save me.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Lenten Meditation


Read John 13:21-30.

TEXT: (Jesus said) "... 'Truly, truly,
I say to you, one of you will betray
Me'" (John 13:21b).

"One of you will betray Me." Judas
must be totally shocked by Jesus'
words. One by one the disciples
ask a question that floats around
the table. With rising suspense
Judas watches the question work
its way around the table to him-and
he even joins his voice to theirs: "Is
it I, Lord?"

If Judas' voice didn't give him away,
what Jesus does next will make it
crystal clear. He dips the morsel of
bread and hands it directly to Judas.

Have you ever stopped to think about
how Jesus turned the tables on Judas?
At this moment the betrayer is at the
mercy of the One he was going to
betray. Jesus holds Judas in the palm
of His hand. With a word Jesus can
betray Judas to the other disciples,
who are armed with a few swords.
Jesus is in complete control; He can
betray Judas. Instead, our Lord sends
His betrayer on his way: "What you
are going to do, do quickly." As Judas
rushes out from the danger, the other
disciples have no idea what Jesus

Which one of us hasn't betrayed
another-gossiping secrets that should
never have been shared or exposing
another's shame just to flatter our own
self-righteous pride? How often have we
in effect handed Jesus' over to His
enemies by our sinful actions or our

Judas walked out into the darkness.
But in this same darkness Jesus will
still reach out to him one last time when
Judas leads the soldiers into the Garden
of Gethsemane to arrest Him. Jesus still
reaches out to you and me with hands
that bear the mark of the nails.

Lord Jesus, Your steadfast love is
amazing to me. Keep reaching out
to bring me back from my sins.

The Lutheran Hour Ministries

Saturday, April 09, 2011


Lenten Meditation

Read John 12:27-33.

TEXT: (Jesus said) "'Now is My
soul troubled. And what shall I say?
'Father, save Me from this hour'?
But for this purpose I have come to
this hour'" (John 12:27).

Jesus has just told His disciples
why He has come to Jerusalem: He
is to suffer and die for the world. But
the thought is not easy for Jesus to
face. He says, "Now is My soul
troubled." We see that turmoil again
when He falls on His face in agony
in the Garden of Gethsemane
(see Luke 22).

Here He prays, "Father, glorify Your
Name." He doesn't ask the Father to
save Him from the cross but to use
His suffering and death on the cross
to glorify His Name. He wants people
to look at the cross and believe that
"God so loved the world that He gave
His only-begotten Son." In Gethsemane
God will send an angel to strengthen
His Son, but here He speaks to Jesus.
"I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again."

We all come face to face with
overwhelming situations and struggles
in life-heartbreak and loss, grief beyond
telling, the shadow of death-whether our
own or that of a loved one.

Jesus has come to this hour in His life
to be the answer to the overwhelming
situations in each of our lives. He will be
raised up to draw all men to Himself.
This was done so that in Jesus Christ
each of us might find the answer to our
problems, the courage for the trials we
face and the victory over Satan who
brought all these situations upon us
through his temptation.


Heavenly Father, You glorified Your
Name in the sufferings of Your beloved
Son Jesus Christ. Glorify Your Name
through me as You give me strength
and courage to face the difficult times
in my life. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Thursday, April 07, 2011


Lenten Meditation


Read John 12:20-26.

TEXT: "And Jesus answered them,
'The hour has come for the Son of Man
to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you,
unless a grain of wheat falls into the
earth and dies, it remains alone; but if
it dies, it bears much fruit'"
(John 12:23-24).

Jesus entered Jerusalem in triumph.
The disciples were convinced He was
about to establish His throne in
Jerusalem, so Jesus had to teach
them a tough lesson.

Christ Jesus stood alone, the only
man whose life on this earth was perfect
and worthy of earning heaven. But
unless He died on the cross in our place
He would remain alone, and we would all
perish eternally in hell. By dying in our
place, taking our sins on Himself and
paying the full price God's justice
demanded, Jesus would save us all,
and open wide the gates of heaven.

Our earthly life is similar in many ways.
If we wish to selfishly save our earthly life,
we will lose it. But if we hate our earthly
life in comparison, longing for that better,
heavenly life, we will keep it for eternity.
Thankfully, Jesus leads the way for us.
He did not love His earthly life so much
that He was not willing to lay it down on
the cross. No, He was looking forward to
a better, eternal life with us-a life made
possible only through His suffering,
death and resurrection.

It's a good time for us as individuals to
stop and examine our attitudes toward
our lives, as well as our willingness to
leave them all behind for Jesus and the
eternal life He gives.


Heavenly Father, thank You for offering
us eternal life through Your Son Jesus
Christ. Help us all to hate this life in this
dark, sinful world that we may keep our
lives eternally in Your light. In Jesus'
Name. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


Lenten meditation

Read John 12:12-19.

TEXT: "So the Pharisees said to one
another, 'You see that you are gaining
nothing. Look, the whole world has
gone after Him'" (John 12:19).

The great Festival of Passover is near.
Huge crowds make their way across
the countryside toward Jerusalem,
and our Lord Jesus enters Jerusalem
in triumph, riding on a donkey.

The Pharisees throw up their hands in
fear and frustration. They say to each
other "You see that you are gaining
nothing." The situation is totally out of
control. But again they will not stop to
consider Jesus' claims. They only react
in frustration and fear of what Jesus
might do with the huge Passover
crowds gathering around Him in

It is fascinating to compare their reaction
to that of the crowds. The crowds cry out
to Jesus, "Hosanna," which means "help"
or "save." And they are right. The Lord
Jesus is the mighty Son of God, who has
come to battle Satan, sin, death and hell.
He alone can save us from our bitter

As we begin this week of Jesus' suffering
and death for our sins, we notice He is
completely in control. We will notice He
is in control through this entire week-clear
up to and including His arrest, trials and

That's important to remember when we
look at our own lives. Often we are as
fearful and frustrated as the Pharisees,
realizing situations in our lives are totally
out of control. We can throw up our hands
like the Pharisees, or call upon Jesus as
the crowds do, remembering that Jesus is
still in control, sitting at the right hand of
the Father and guiding all things for our


Lord, please help and
save us, especially when circumstances
are at their worst and totally out of our
control. Remind us that they are never
beyond Your control. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Tuesday, April 05, 2011


Lenten Meditation:


Read John 12:1-8.

TEXT: "Jesus said, 'Leave
her alone, so that she may keep it
for the day of My burial. For the
poor you always have with you,
but you do not always have Me'"
(John 12:7-8).

Mary is very grateful to Jesus. She
has heard His wonderful words and
received her brother Lazarus back
from death. As her family gathers
around the table with Jesus and His
disciples for dinner, she pours an
expensive ointment over Jesus' feet
and wipes it with her hair.

Her generosity should be an
inspiration for Jesus' disciples. But
it only stirs the darkness in Judas.
He complains how the ointment was
worth nearly a year's wages and that
the money should have gone to the
poor instead. But Jesus stands up in
her defense. He boldly commands
Judas to leave her alone. She has
done this to honor Him, and the
scent of that perfume will linger on
His body throughout His trials,
crucifixion and burial in the coming

Do we have Mary's tremendous
sense of gratitude and love for our
Lord? Do we really appreciate what
He has done for us, what He has
given to us, and the promise of a
glorious future because of Him?

How striking to compare Mary's
devotion with that of Judas-who has
replaced his devotion to Jesus with
a love for money. For, as John tells
us, Judas had no intention of helping
the poor with that money. He only
wanted to get his hands on it-as he
had stolen money from the disciples'
moneybag many times before. Sadly,
in the next few days he will do far
worse for a much smaller amount of


Holy Spirit, stir up in my heart true
love, gratitude and appreciation for
all Jesus has done for me. I pray in
Jesus' Name. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Monday, April 04, 2011



Read John 11:1-44.

TEXT: "Jesus said to her,
'I am the resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in Me, though
he die, yet shall he live, and
everyone who lives and believes
in Me shall never die. Do you
believe this?'"(John 11:25-26).

Lenten Meditation:

Jesus is about to do one of His
greatest miraculous signs. He
receives a frantic message to
come to Lazarus who is gravely
ill. But Jesus remains where He
is. His disciples think Jesus is
avoiding Jerusalem where the
crowds had tried to stone Him
a short time ago. But Jesus
waits two days before finally
heading out for Bethany, a small
village near Jerusalem. Thomas
tells his fellow disciples, "Let us
also go, that we may die with

Jesus finally arrives after Lazarus
has been dead four days. Martha
says, "Lord, if You had been here,
my brother would not have died.
" But Jesus had a reason for His
delay. Jewish rabbis believed a
person's soul hovered over the
body for three days, and then
finally departed when
decomposition set in. By waiting
for the fourth day, Jesus would be
performing a miracle none of the
Jewish leaders could deny.

Sometimes we get confused
by the struggles in our life. Like
Martha we plead with the Lord to
help, but when we need Him most
He seems to delay, or not to hear.
But Jesus has a purpose and a
plan for everything He does for us.

Jesus told Martha "I am the
resurrection and the life." Jesus
proved that by raising Lazarus from
the dead-and by His own resurrection
on the third day. When we are
discouraged, beaten down and
depressed, we can look to Jesus and
know our future is secure.


Lord, give me confidence in Your
victory during the dark days when
I need You the most. Amen.

Lutheran Hour Ministries

Saturday, April 02, 2011


(Lenten Meditation)

Read John 10:11-39.

TEXT: (Jesus said) "I am the
Good Shepherd. I know My own
and My own know Me." ... "and
I lay down My life for the sheep"
(John 10:14, 15b).

In today's reading Jesus identifies
Himself as our Good Shepherd.
This, of course, means that we
are like sheep. That automatically
says two things about us: we are
helpless creatures, and we have
powerful enemies against which
we are defenseless. But are the
crowds willing to admit this-that
they need Jesus to be their shepherd?

Jesus tells them He will freely lay
down His life to save them from their
enemies. He will lay it down on Good
Friday when He is nailed to the cross
and gives up His life for the sins of the
world. But He will take it up again on
the third day when He rises in glorious

The crowds hear this great news, and
find themselves divided yet again! Some
say He has a demon, or He is insane.
But others, thinking how Jesus healed
the man born blind, ask, "Can a demon
open the eyes of the blind?"

Jesus made some very bold statements
about Himself and the work He came to do.
Few are as powerful or as comforting as
these words. Jesus Christ has been
pleased to take us as His very own sheep,
and will guard us, protect us, lead us to
good pasture, care for us in body and
soul and finally lead us through death
to life everlasting.

Jesus stretches out His hand to you today.
If you are His sheep, listen to His voice,
He will protect you from all enemies and
guide you safely home to paradise. He
promises that nothing can snatch you
out of His hands.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank You for
offering to hold me firmly and safely in Your
hands. Let me never wander away in unbelief.

Lutheran Hour Ministries