By Rev. Wayne Palmer
Read John 1:1-14.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among
us, and we have seen His glory .... (John 1:14a)
One of the greatest things about Christmas is
getting together with family and friends. How
wonderful to actually see them face to face,
instead of only hearing their voice on the phone,
seeing them on Skype or reading their words
in an e-mail.
That's what made the first Christmas so special.
For the first time, people could look into God's
eyes and see Him face to face. And it wasn't the
terrifying face of a powerful and angry God they
saw. Rather, it was the face of a tiny, newborn
Baby. This chubby face will one day be the face
of a man, and it will show His great compassion
for the sick and needy, comfort for the grieving
and concern for the lost.
These tiny fingers that curl around the fingers of
Mary and Joseph will later touch the blind and
the deaf and heal them. They will stretch out to
take a dead girl by the hand and raise her to life
again. These little hands will be stretched out
and pierced with nails to pay the full price for all
our sins. And finally they will be pried off of a
cross and laid in a tomb.
Three days later those lifeless hands will move
once more, as the Lord rises from the dead. That
night and in the coming days He will hold them
out to show His followers the nail marks that
prove it is Him-risen and alive forever! One day
we will stand before Him face to face, looking
into His eyes, and touching His glorious, nail-
scarred hands.
Son of God, thank You for taking Your place as
a man among us, and laying down Your life to
save us. Fill us with joy as we wait for the day
when we too will see you face to face.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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