Monday, March 26, 2012



Read Mark 15:25

"It was the third hour when they crucified Him.
" (Mark 15:25)


Life is strange. Events that are so horrible for
some are so positive for others.

For the Jewish priests it has been an amazing
ride. Two days before it looked like the whole
world was going after Jesus. They wanted Him
dead, but the crowds left them powerless. They
could only hope He wouldn't use the Passover
Festival as the occasion to declare Himself the
Christ, the King of the Jews. But everything
changed when Judas showed up. They were
able to arrest Him away from the crowds,
condemn Him to death, and even force the
reluctant Pilate to order His execution. They
couldn't have planned it any better- before the
crowds could return to Jerusalem, Jesus was
already hanging on the cross.

For Jesus it must have seemed like an eternity:
the sorrow-filled dinner, the agonizing hours of
prayer in the garden, seeing His friend Judas
leading the arresting guards, the hostile and
unjust Jewish trial, looking into Peter's eyes
after his third denial, the trial and condemnation
of Pontius Pilate, the scourging, mocking, crown
of thorns, the grueling road to Golgotha, the nails
piercing His hands and feet.

On the cross God brings together the best and
worst: His boundless love and His fiery judgment,
His wrath and His forgiveness, heaven and hell.
Because of the sins we committed He pours His
furious wrath on His Son. Because of the perfect
obedience of His Son Jesus Christ He pours His
love and forgiveness out for you and all people.


Lord Jesus, hanging from the tree You poured out
Your life to give us peace, joy, forgiveness and
eternal life. Give me confidence in Your salvation
and transform my darkest days into days of joy,
peace and light.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries Lenten Devotional)


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