Read Mark 15:16-19
"And [the soldiers] clothed Him in a purple cloak,
and twisting together a crown of thorns, they put
it on Him. And they began to salute Him, 'Hail,
King of the Jews!'" (Mark 15:17-18)
The scourging is finished and Jesus crumbles to
the ground as He is released from the column. As
He slowly gathers His strength and rises to His
feet the mockery begins. Roman soldiers often
mocked condemned criminals, and here before
them stood the beaten man who was supposedly
the King of the Jews.
If He was a king, then certainly He needed to be
dressed like one. They took a purple cloak and
threw it roughly over his bloody shoulders. Only
someone with open wounds over a large part of
his body can understand the pain that coursed
through our Savior's body.
But if He is a king, then He must have a crown
as well. So they formed a crown out of thorns
and roughly jammed it down onto His head-
piercing His sensitive scalp. He also needed a
scepter- the symbol of a king's strength and
power, so they put a reed in His hands. Then
they ripped it from His grasp and struck it over
His thorn-crowned head- showing just how
powerless this King of the Jews was.
Jesus suffered greatly from the Roman soldiers-
physical and emotional brutality. But He was
also suffering for them, taking on Himself God's
punishment for the horrendous way they were
abusing His one and only Son.
Lord Jesus, because of Your great love for me
and all people You humbled Yourself to be
mocked, beaten and abused. Help me to always
rejoice in Your boundless love. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries Lenten Devotional)
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