Monday, July 09, 2012



Mark 5:1-20


One day on a routine family run to McDonald's, a man
suddenly began shouting obscenities at us, hurling his
drink and splattering sticky coke all over my long wool coat.
What had triggered this outburst? Stunned, we felt scared
and helpless and quickly hustled into the car to head for home
and safety.

Perhaps the townspeople in today's story shared similar feelings
toward Legion, the man possessed by demons. Apparently
efforts to constrain his outbursts had proved fruitless, relegating
him to roam the countryside cut off from community. Yet the arrival
of Jesus triggers something in Legion because he immediately falls
and worships him.

Jesus heals Legion and the locals come for a viewing. But rather than
rejoicing over a subdued man who had been healed, they are
frightened and big Jesus to leave. Perhaps, like my family and me,
they were out of their comfort zone and felt scared and helpless.


God, help us to recognize the work of your Son, even in the most
unlikely persons and places. Amen

(From Covenant Home Altar, dated July 3, 2012)


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