Friday, August 24, 2012


Eugene O'Neill wrote a wonderful play called
"Lazarus Laughed." The play begins with Lazarus
being raised from the dead by Jesus, as in the
Bible story. People have gathered at Lazarus' home
in Bethany for what they thought was going to be a
funeral. They had come to mourn. But now, Lazarus
has been raised from the dead and the grieving has
been transformed into rejoicing. And then came the
questions: "What did you see during those four days
when you were dead? What was it like -- the life beyond?"

In the midst of it all, Lazarus' father proposes a toast:
"To my son, Lazarus, whom a blessed miracle has
brought back from death!" Hearing this, Lazarus says,
"No! There is no death!" And the people, holding their
wine goblets in midair all echo his words as a question:
"There is no death?" And Lazarus laughs, and he says

"There is only life! I heard the heart of Jesus laughing in
my heart. 'There is only eternal life,' it said. And my heart,
reborn to love of life, cried 'Yes.' And I laughed in the
laughter of God. Laugh, laugh with me! Death is dead!
Fear is no more! There is only life!"

We hear the words... we may even echo the words, but
do we really believe them? We say, 'This sort of talk is
hard to endure! How can anyone take it seriously?' And
then like Peter we answer, "Lord, you have the words of
eternal life. We have come to believe"...


( Sunday Sermons Online)


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