Sunday, October 14, 2012


The homeroom teacher of a senior high school
class once gave them a graduation gift in advance
... The students were permitted one unexcused
absence as long as it didn't conflict with other
teachers' schedules. "All I asked," said the
homeroom teacher, "was that they do something
worthwhile and hand in a paragraph sharing that

The teacher said her favorite report came from a
young man who wrote, "I went fishing with my
grandfather and I listened to him all day long
without once saying, 'Grandpa, you already told
me that'!"

Someone has said, "No one has learned the
meaning of life until he has surrendered his ego
to the service of his fellow men."

And in response to that statement, no matter
how many times we say "you already told me
that," it does us no good unless we get busy
with the day-to-day, nitty gritty work of true
discipleship. Talk is cheap. Faith in Action is
the only way to activate our faith.

(Sunday Sermons Online)


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