Sunday, December 16, 2012


It's that time of year again-the time of busy
shopping days, holiday baking, and twinkling
lights. The time when schedules overflow with
parties and events. The time to send out cards
to family and friends. It's supposed to be the
season of "holiday cheer." But in the weeks
before we celebrate our Savior's birth, so often
we feel anxiety and stress instead.

Years ago, Isaac Watts wrote "Joy to the World,"
the well-loved hymn often sung during this busy
Christmas season. Ironically, Watts never
intended his hymn for Christmas use. Instead,
he simply intended to paraphrase the words of
Psalm 98: "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth
...for he comes. . ." (vs. 4, 9).

Amidst his poetry about Christ's second coming,
however, Watts also provides fitting words for our
Christmas frenzy: "Joy to the world! the Lord is
come . . . Let every heart prepare him room."
Prepare him room-significant words for any time
of year. Yet perhaps we need to hear them the
most at Christmastime, when so many things can
distract us from our faith. .

This year, during this hectic Christmas season, take
the time to prepare your heart. Remember Christ's
first coming, as a humble King and Savior. Reflect
on the certainty of his return, as Judge over all. And
as you think on these precious truths, you'll probably
experience the best holiday feeling of all-the joy of
knowing "the Lord is come" into your heart.

(2011 Center for Church Music)


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