Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby
towns and villages, preaching and announcing the
Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his
twelve disciples with him, along with some women
he had healed and from whom he had cast out evil
spirits.Luke 8:1-2
What an honor, privilege, and opportunity these
women had to walk with Jesus, in the flesh, from
town to town--serving him, experiencing miracles,
witnessing to others, and continuing to learn from
him along the way. But what a scandal! It was
unheard of in first century Jewish culture for women
to be taught by a rabbi. These women were not
necessarily among the elite or influential of their time,
either (see Luke 7:36-50).
But infirmity and transgression know no social
boundaries. Neither did Jesus. He crossed those
barriers. He treated all people equally. By doing so,
he demonstrated their significance to the Kingdom.
These females may have come from diverse
upbringings, but there was still a common thread
that bound them: God valued them. Mary Magdalene
is depicted in Luke 8:2 as having seven demons cast
from her. Yet Jesus took her into his closest circle.
She is reported in Matthew 27 and 28 to have
witnessed his crucifixion and was first to discover his
resurrection. Joanna, who was the wife of one of Herod's
officials, would have lived in extravagant surroundings,
but nevertheless required some type of healing. Susanna
is listed, and we know nothing about her, yet God
redeemed and treasured her as well. These women didnt
wallow in inadequacies and limitations. They realized
they were forgiven much, and they acknowledged their
need and love for a Savior. Jesus accepted these women
just as they were, but he didn't leave them in that condition.
He restored them to health.
Not unlike womens involvement in modern day mission
trips and various spiritual activities, these women arranged
their daily routines and family duties to do whatever was
required to aid in spreading the Good News. They may not
have been in the forefront of Jesus' ministry, but their tireless
work for little recognition is an example we all can follow.
These women remind us that effective service for Christ will
eventually mean more than recognition by others.
Your faithful acts of service may not seem to be noticed.
Or they may be noticed and devalued by others. But
remember what Jesus told the woman whose actions
precede this summary of women's roles: "Your faith has
saved you; go in peace" (Luke 7:50).
(Tyndale House Publishers)
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