Read Luke 3:21-23.
TEXT: When Jesus had also been baptized and
was praying, the heavens were opened, and the
Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form, like
a dove (see
Luke 3:21-22).
For 30 years Jesus had grown and lived in
obscurity in the northern region of Galilee, working
as a carpenter alongside His father Joseph. None
of His neighbors knew His true identity. But now it
was time to set aside those carpentry tools and
reveal Himself to the people of Israel. The great
Son of God made His way to theJordan River to be
baptized by His prophet John.
As He steps out of the water two amazing things
happen. Something in the form of a dove comes
down from above and lands on Jesus, while a voice
from heaven thunders, "You are My beloved Son;
with You I am well pleased."
The "dove" was the Holy Spirit, who came down
from heaven to set Jesus apart from all other Jews.
It singled Him out as the promised Messiah (Hebrew)
or the Christ or "anointed one" (Greek). The booming
voice was that of God the Father; He declared His
approval of Jesus' life from childhood to this point.
Winning God's approval is no small feat, for God is
far stricter than any human father. He demands
complete and perfect obedience in all our thoughts,
words, deeds and desires. And that is exactly what
Jesus accomplished. Every day of His life He
completely obeyed God's will. Now He goes to work
completing His great mission to save all people from
sin, death and God's fiery judgment.
Almighty God, when the time was right, Jesus began
revealing Himself to His people. Through this season
of Lent reveal Him to me as well.
I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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