Sunday, March 31, 2013


The Resurrection of our Lord


Read Luke 24:1-12.
TEXT: On the first day of the week, at early dawn,
they went to the tomb
(see Luke 24:1).

The women don't waste a moment making their
way to the tomb. In a climate where decay rapidly
sets in on a corpse, they want to complete their
work, while they can still handle Jesus' body.
They needn't have hurried; God refused to give death
any victory over His Son's body, including any hint
of decay. Also, by the time they arrived, Jesus was
already gone.

As they reached the tomb they found the stone rolled
away. While the women are looking in, two angels
appear as young men in the prime of life, wearing
dazzling clothes. Immediately, the women are gripped
with fear.

The angels point out the folly in what these women are
doing: "Why are you looking for the living among the
dead? He is not here, but has risen!" Then they remind
the women of Jesus' predictions and the divine
necessity behind His suffering. God's divine love for
fallen humans required Jesus' suffering and death to
remove our sins. They mention three essentials: Jesus
had to be delivered into the hands of men, die by
crucifixion, and rise again in glory.

At these words the women remember, quickly returning
to report them to the 11 apostles, and the other believers
with them. Peter sets out for the tomb, stoops down to
look into it, and sees with his own eyes the linen bands,
empty and undisturbed. Even with this clear evidence of
Jesus' miraculous resurrection, Peter still isn't ready to
accept it as truth. Instead, he goes away wondering
exactly what has actually happened.


Almighty God, thank You for the joyous news of the
angels: my Lord is risen! I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


HE    IS    RISEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013



Then Jesus shouted, "Father, I entrust my spirit
into your hands!" And with those words he breathed
his last.    Luke 23:46 NLT

Behold the Savior of mankind nailed to the shameful
tree! How vast the love that Him inclined to bleed and
die for thee!

'Tis done! the precious ransom's paid! "Receive my
soul!" He cries; see where He bows His sacred head!
He bows His head and dies!
Behold the Savior of Mankind
Samuel Wesley (1662-1735)

Saved from the fire

On February 9, 1709, a fire ripped through a rectory
in the village of Epworth, England. The Wesley family
lost nearly everything. Miraculously, their six-year-old
boy named John (who would later found the Methodist
church) was saved from the fire, as was a piece of
paper bearing this hymn, written by the rector,
Samuel Wesley.

Samuel Wesley, father of John and Charles (and
seventeen other children), was scholarly and stern.
His major academic project was a study of the book
of Job. And he faced a great deal of suffering himself.
Nine of his children died at birth or in infancy. He was
frequently in debt (even spending three months in
debtors' prison). Of course, there was also that
devastating fire.

This hymn, however, shows us a slightly different side
of Samuel Wesley. The theme of suffering is strong,
but there's an attitude of love, of devotion. Apparently
he taught his famous sons more than just discipline,
but also a deep appreciation for what Christ
accomplished through His suffering.

Our Holy Week readings are adapted from The One
Year® Book of Hymns by Mark Norton and Robert
Brown, Tyndale House Publishers (1995). Today's is
taken from the entry for March 22.


Holy Saturday


Read Luke 23:50-56.
TEXT: This man went to Pilate and asked for
the body of Jesus (Luke 23:52).

As Jesus was dying He entrusted His spirit into
His Father's hands. But what would become of
His lifeless body? The faithful believers and
women stood at a distance to see what the
soldiers would do. But unknown to them, God
the Father was already making arrangements.
He had chosen a man, Joseph, to be Jesus'
earthly father, to find a shelter and a manger at
His birth. Now He provides another Joseph to
arrange for Jesus' proper burial.

Luke describes Joseph as a prominent member
of the Jewish high court; he had not consented
to its decision to destroy Jesus. Joseph trusted
God's promise to send His Son, and he had
secretly come to believe Jesus was that Messiah.
Now he boldly secures Pilate's permission to take
charge of Jesus' lifeless body.

He takes Jesus' body down, wraps it in linen, and
lays it in a tomb as yet untouched by death's decay
and corruption. Then Joseph rolls a large stone-a
flat, circular, upright slab-down in a groove in front
of the entrance to the tomb. Since the Sabbath is
beginning, only the women follow Joseph to the tomb.
They carefully note its location; they see how Jesus'
body was laid in it. In the few minutes left before the
Sabbath, the women will buy spices and myrrh in
preparation for the work they will do when the
Sabbath is over. Early Sunday morning they will
 return to anoint His body for a proper burial.


Almighty God, You raised up Joseph to care for Your
Son's dead body. Thank You that You take note of all
my needs-especially my need for forgiveness through
Jesus my Savior. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Friday, March 29, 2013



Luke 23: 13-49

13 Pilate called together the chief priests, the rulers
and the people, 14 and said to them, “You brought
me this man as one who was inciting the people to
rebellion. I have examined him in your presence and
have found no basis for your charges against him.
15 Neither has Herod, for he sent him back to us; as
you can see, he has done nothing to deserve death.
16 Therefore, I will punish him and then release him.”
[17] [a]
18 But the whole crowd shouted, “Away with this man!
Release Barabbas to us!” 19 (Barabbas had been
thrown into prison for an insurrection in the city, and
for murder.)
20 Wanting to release Jesus, Pilate appealed to them
again. 21 But they kept shouting, “Crucify him! Crucify
22 For the third time he spoke to them: “Why? What
crime has this man committed? I have found in him no
grounds for the death penalty. Therefore I will have him
punished and then release him.”
23 But with loud shouts they insistently demanded
that he be crucified, and their shouts prevailed. 24 So
Pilate decided to grant their demand. 25 He released
the man who had been thrown into prison for insurrection
and murder, the one they asked for, and surrendered
Jesus to their will.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

26 As the soldiers led him away, they seized Simon
from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country,
and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind
Jesus. 27 A large number of people followed him,
including women who mourned and wailed for him.
28 Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of
Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves
and for your children. 29 For the time will come when
you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the
wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’
30 Then “‘they will say to the mountains, “Fall on us!”
and to the hills, “Cover us!”’[b]
31 For if people do these things when the tree is green,
what will happen when it is dry?”
32 Two other men, both criminals, were also led out
with him to be executed. 33 When they came to the
place called the Skull, they crucified him there, along
with the criminals—one on his right, the other on his left.
34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not
know what they are doing.”[c] And they divided up his
clothes by casting lots.
35 The people stood watching, and the rulers even
sneered at him. They said, “He saved others; let him
save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.”
36 The soldiers also came up and mocked him. They
offered him wine vinegar 37 and said, “If you are the king
of the Jews, save yourself.”
38 There was a written notice above him, which read:
this is the king of the jews.
39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults
at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”
40 But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,”
he said, “since you are under the same sentence? 41 We
are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds
deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.”
42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come
into your kingdom.[d]”
43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will
be with me in paradise.”

The Death of Jesus

44 It was now about noon, and darkness came over the
whole land until three in the afternoon, 45 for the sun
stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn
in two. 46 Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Father,
into your hands I commit my spirit.”[e] When he had
said this, he breathed his last.
47 The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised
God and said, “Surely this was a righteous man.”
48 When all the people who had gathered to witness this
sight saw what took place, they beat their breasts and
went away. 49 But all those who knew him, including the
women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a
distance, watching these things.


As you read the accounts of these impactful
hours, pause and picture yourself in each scene.
Where are you in the picture?
In Pilate's court, with the crowd outside, on the
way to Golgotha. 
As He is crucified, as He is lifted up and hangs
on the cross, as they mock Him.
As He saves the criminal, as He sees His
mother and those He loves.
As darkness falls over the land, as the curtain in
the temple tears open, as He cries out to His
Father, as the centurion comes to believe, as
people beat their breasts, as some stand at a
distance watching.
Where you there when they crucified my Lord?
Now go back to each of these places and see
Jesus looking at you.
What is He saying to you in each place?


Father forgive me for I know not what I do.

(from the Covenant Home Altar)


Good Friday


Read Luke 23:44-49.
TEXT: (Jesus said) "Father, into Your hands I
commit My spirit" (see Luke 23:46).

Many supernatural events occur at Jesus' death.
The first is a darkness that covered the whole land
from midday until three in the afternoon. This
darkness indicates God's judgment, as Jesus is
punished for the sins of the whole world.

At 3 p.m. a second miracle takes place in the
temple. The thick curtain dividing the two rooms of
the temple is torn in two, from top to bottom. This
curtain represents our separation from God on
account of our sins. Throughout the Old Testament
only one person could pass through it-the high priest.
But now God's Son-our great High Priest-has torn
down the dividing barrier, so all who believe in Jesus
have direct access to God the Father forever.

At this same moment Jesus cries out with a loud
voice, "Father, into Your hands I commit My spirit."
Jesus wants everyone to hear His intense satisfaction
and joy because peace with God has now been won
for all. Now that He has finished the work for which He
was born, Jesus commends His spirit into His Father's

Then the third miracle takes place. Immediately after
uttering this loud cry, Jesus dies. The Roman centurion
knows crucified criminals don't die this way. Their lungs
slowly fill with fluid, and their last moments are desperate
gasps for air. There is no way Jesus should be able to
utter a loud cry the moment before He dies. Thinking of
the unnatural darkness, the unnatural way Jesus died,
and all the injustices Jesus suffered, he says, "Certainly
this man was innocent."


Lord Jesus, when You completed Your earthly course
You committed Your spirit into Your Father's keeping.
Give me confidence that I am safe in Your hands now
and forever. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Maundy Thursday


Read Luke 23:35-43.
TEXT: "Jesus, remember me when You come into
Your Kingdom" (see Luke 23:42).

Now we turn to the two criminals crucified with Jesus.
The first asks, "Are You notthe Christ? Save Yourself
and us!" He wants Jesus to be the Christ, but this is
only for his own sinful purposes. He wants to cheat
justice and escape his suffering and death, but not
to amend his sinful life.

But the second criminal looks at Jesus and sees
something no one else has been able to see. The
Jewish leaders look at Jesus and see a man who
can't possibly be a Savior-He can't even save
Himself! The Roman soldiers see a powerless king.
The other criminal sees a powerless Messiah, but
this criminal looks through the crown of thorns, the
blood, sweat and tears and sees God's Messiah,
the promised King. He asks Jesus to remember
him on Judgment Day and not to bar him out of His
Kingdom because of his life of sin.

As wonderful a confession as we see in the criminal's
rebuke and prayer, we see something even more
wonderful in Jesus' reply. Not only on the distant Day
of Judgment will Jesus remember the dying thief, but
this very day his sufferings will cease, and he will be
with Christ in paradise forever.

The repentant criminal asked Jesus to remember him.
This night in Holy Communion Jesus asks us to
remember Him, to remember the sacrifice He made,
so we may live. He gives us His body, which He gave
unto death for our sins. He gives us His blood poured
out, so we might be forgiven and inherit the paradise
He has opened to all who will believe in Him.


Lord Jesus, You forgave a despised criminal and
promised him eternal life. Forgive my sins and
remember me when You come in glory. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Holy Wednesday


Read Luke 23:32-34.
TEXT: And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for
they know not what they do"
(see Luke 23:34).

Jesus is not going to die alone. Pilate ordered two
criminals to die with Him. When they finally reach the
execution site we read that Jesus is crucified
between the two. In that one word "crucified," the
Scriptures spare us the horrible details, and carry
forward Jesus' charge: "Do not weep for Me."

Now, as the climax of His suffering is reached and
incredible pain racks His body, the soldiers are casting
lots to divide His clothing. Jesus turns to His Father in
prayer. But once again He is not praying for Himself,
not seeking divine retribution on His foes, or even
justice for Himself-He is pleading with His Father to
forgive those who have put Him on this cross. They do
not know what they are doing.

But Jesus is not only praying for the Roman soldiers,
Pontius Pilate, Herod Antipas, the Jewish leaders, the
temple guard, Peter and Judas-He is praying for all the
people whose sins He is carrying, including you and me.
So often we commit our sins without giving a second
thought to the wrath we are incurring, or the sufferings
Jesus must endure to save us from them. We don't
know what we are doing either.

But God the Father can't simply ignore His wrath at our
sins. Nor can He pretend they never took place. His
holiness demands that sinners be punished. For the
Father to be able to forgive us, Jesus knows He must
suffer the torment of hell in our place. He asks His
Father to pour His fiery wrath on Him instead.


Lord Jesus, in our sin we don't know what we are doing.
Yet You willingly took on Yourself our guilt and Your
Father's punishment. Make us aware of our guilt that we
may repent and trust You alone as our Savior. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Holy Tuesday

Read Luke 23:26-31.
TEXT: And there followed Him a great multitude of
the people and of women who were mourning and
lamenting for Him (Luke 23:27).

Jesus is carrying His cross to the place of execution.
But the severe flogging and other mistreatment has
sapped His strength so that He can no longer carry
His cross. The Roman soldiers force a man named
Simon, who was coming into Jerusalem from the
country, to carry it for Him.

A great crowd of people follow Jesus, including
women from Jerusalem, weeping and wailing for Him.
In the midst of His agony, sorrow and pain, Jesus
turns and tells them to stop sobbing for Him. Like
Peter, they need to weep for their sins and for the
wrath of God, which those sins have stirred.

Earlier, Jesus had wept for Jerusalem, knowing that
in 70 A.D. God's wrath will fall on that city, as the
legions of Rome surround it. Watching their children
suffering and dying in the unspeakable terror of that
siege, Jewish women will wish something no Jew
would have otherwise thought: they will wish they
had been childless! At that dreadful time those living
in Jerusalem will wish for a sudden, cataclysmic
death, instead of the slow starvation they
experienced, as the Roman legions slowly choke off
Jerusalem and grind its people into the dust.

What a vivid, horrible picture of hell, where people will
long to be exterminated in one rapid moment. Instead,
they will suffer the slow, burning terror of hell, knowing
it will never, ever end. Today is the time for each of us
to weep, mourn and seek God's forgiveness in Jesus
the Savior of the world.


Almighty God, Your Son carried my guilt and sin, as
He went out to die in my place. Fill my heart with
sorrow and regret over my sins, so I may flee to Him
for salvation. I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)



Read Luke 23:13-25.
TEXT: Then, arraying Him in splendid clothing, he sent
Him back to Pilate
(see Luke 23:11).

Pilate has examined Jesus and found no crime based
on the charges made against Him. This was also the
case with Herod, or he would have condemned Him.
Again, Jesus should be set free immediately. Instead,
however, Pilate proposes a solution, "I will therefore
punish and release Him."

Perhaps Pilate thinks he is offering the Jewish leaders
a way to save face before their people. They surely
wouldn't want him to release Jesus and publicly
humiliate them, would they? But seeing Pilate back
down from his verdict, the priests know they need to
stand their ground, and Pilate will eventually surrender

Pilate's punishment was the brutal Roman scourging,
which used whips with pieces of bone or lead fastened
to the tips. After the scourging Pilate honors a custom,
giving the crowds their choice of two criminals. He
offers a violently abused Jesus up against the most
dangerous criminal in prison: Barabbas. Pilate may
not realize it, but he has lowered Jesus to the status
of a criminal, thus making it easier for the Jewish
leaders and the crowds to call for His death. The
Jewish leaders convince the Jews to demand Barabbas'
release and Jesus' crucifixion.

For a third time Pilate asks what terrible thing this
man has done? The judge is now pleading with the
people; he has totally lost control of this trial. The
crowds more loudly demand Jesus' crucifixion. Their
voices prevail over Pilate's sense of justice. He orders
Barabbas released, and Jesus is to be handed over to
their will. Jesus' prophecy about His passion has
completely been accomplished. Judas handed
Jesus over to His Jewish enemies. The Jews handed
Jesus over to Pilate, and now Pilate hands Jesus over
to the crowds that are demanding His crucifixion.


Lord Jesus, Pilate watched Your trial spiral out of
control. Help me see that You were in complete control,
winning my salvation by Your innocent suffering and
death. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Monday, March 25, 2013



Read Luke 9:7-9; 23:5-12.
TEXT: And when he learned that He belonged to Herod's
jurisdiction, he sent Him over to Herod, who was himself
in Jerusalem at that time (Luke 23:7).

Pilate has cleared Jesus of all charges. But the Jewish
leaders aren't about to let up. Jesus is simply too
dangerous. He has stirred up the whole nation, beginning
in Herod's Galilee, all the way down here to Pilate's Judea.
But their words give Pilate a brilliant idea. Since Jesus
came from Herod's jurisdiction, he'll shift the responsibility
for this case and let Herod deal with it.

Herod is Jesus' judge, but he doesn't ask a single judicial
question, nor does he examine the charges against Jesus.
Herod has long wanted to see Jesus. But he's not
interested in God's truth; he wants to be entertained by a
miracle, catch a good performance perhaps. So Jesus
remains silent.

The Jewish high court strenuously presses its charges,
hoping to get a more favorable reaction from Herod. But
Herod absolutely refuses to hold a trial. His subjects already
hate him for executing John the Baptist, he isn't about to
touch popular Jesus.

Since Jesus answers Herod's questions and pleas with
silence, Herod feels Jesus is treating him with contempt-so
he returns the favor. Along with his soldiers Herod treats
Jesus with scorn and disrespect, as if He was nothing. He
dresses Jesus in splendid garments; then he sends Him
back to Pilate. The two governors agree: even if Jesus is a
king, He is harmless.

But this day does see one reconciliation. Previously, Pilate
and Herod had been bitter enemies; now they become
friends. Herod is grateful that Pilate sent Jesus' case to him.
Pilate is grateful that Herod recognized his authority and
was courteous enough to return Jesus to Pilate's jurisdiction.


Lord Jesus, the Jews falsely accused You; Pilate judged
You innocent but wouldn't free You, and Herod was looking
to be entertained. Give me faith to worship You in truth and
humility as my Savior, King and Lord. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Sunday, March 24, 2013



Read Luke 23:1-4.
TEXT: Then the whole company of them arose and
brought Him before Pilate
(Luke 23:1).

The Jewish high court and temple police arise as a
large company and lead Jesus to Pilate. As they
bring their charges against Him, they won't even call
Him by name, saying instead, "this fellow." They
level three charges against Jesus. First, they accuse
Him of stirring up the nation against Rome. Next, they
charge Him with hindering the payment of taxes to
Caesar. Finally, they accuse Him of declaring Himself
to be the Christ-a king and a definite threat to Caesar.

Pilate directly asks Jesus, "Are You the king of the

Jesus answers the same way He answered the Jewish
high court previously. "You have said so." In Luke's
Greek Jesus is really saying, "Yes, what you have said
is true. I am King of the Jews."

In Pilate's mind there was no doubt, Jesus definitely
was claiming to be the king of the Jews. And yet Pilate
recognized this Christ-king was no threat to Caesar.
After this questioning Pilate went back out to the Jewish
leaders and made his verdict known, "I find no guilt in
this man." At this point the trial should be over. Pilate
should order the Jewish crowd to disperse and free Jesus,
with an armed escort, if necessary.

But upmost in Pilate's mind is maintaining peace and
order during this festival, when so many Jews from across
the Empire have streamed into Jerusalem. He could
certainly use his troops to disperse the Jewish leaders
and free Jesus, but he prefers a more peaceful resolution.
He seeks consent for his ruling from the Jewish high
court-his first fatal flaw of the day.


Lord Jesus, Pilate was convinced of Your innocence, yet
He opened the door to injustice, when he should have set
You free. Thank You for being willing to suffer and die for me.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Saturday, March 23, 2013



Read Luke 22:63-71.
TEXT: When day came, the assembly of the elders
of the people gathered together, both chief priests
and scribes (see Luke 22:66).

While Peter is outside denying Jesus, the men
holding Jesus in custody are mocking and beating
Him. They blindfold Him, slap His face, and demand
Him to tell them who had struck Him. Through all the
abuse Jesus remains silent.

When day comes they lead Him before the Jewish
high court. Then they challenge Him: "If You are the
Christ, tell us."

Jesus knows they aren't interested in the truth; they
only want a charge to level against Him. Pointing out
their stubborn indifference He says, "If I tell you, you
will not believe, and if I ask you, you will not answer."
Then He answers their question with power and
majesty, "From now on the Son of Man shall be
seated at the right hand of the power of God."

Indeed, He is the Messiah, but He is not the earthly
king they expect. He is the exalted Messiah of the
Scriptures-the Son of God and Son of Man, who rules
in power and glory from the Father's right hand in
heaven. He is the God who will be their Judge on the
Last Day.

To be clear, the court demands, "Are You the Son of
God?" Jesus answers, "You say that I am." His
answer sounds evasive in our English, but not in Luke's
Greek. Jesus affirms the words they have just spoken
are true: He is the Son of God. The Jewish high court
condemns Jesus for claiming to be God's Son. But
time is running short. Soon the city will be awake, and
the dreaded crowds will return. They need Jesus on the
cross before that happens. So they rush Him off to the
Roman governor.


Lord Jesus, despite their doubts and
hostility, You fearlessly revealed the truth to the Jewish
leaders. Give me faith to believe You are God's Son,
ruling at His right hand. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Friday, March 22, 2013



Read Luke 22:54-62.
TEXT: Then they seized Him and led Him away ...
and Peter was following at a distance (see Luke 22:54).

When Jesus is arrested the disciples scatter in fear
and go into hiding-all, that is, except for Peter. He
follows at a distance then slips into the courtyard,
posing as one of the temple police. Though it seems
bold and courageous, Jesus does not want him there.
He wants him safe with the other disciples. There is no
reason for Peter to put himself in jeopardy. Jesus has
already spelled out exactly what will happen.

In the cold night air the guards light a fire and Peter sits
down to warm himself. But the firelight betrays him.
Carefully studying his face, a maid points him out to the
other guards: "This man also was with Him." Realizing
the grave danger, Peter quickly answers, "Woman, I
do not know Him."

A short time later someone else recognizes him and
says, "You also are one of them."
Peter answers, "Man, I am not." Luke's narrative is kind
to Peter; he only mentions the denials, not the oaths
and curses he calls down on himself.

An hour later still another challenges him, "Certainly, this
man also was with Him, for he too is a Galilean."

Peter snaps back, "Man, I do not know what you are
talking about." And immediately he hears a rooster
crowing and turns and looks straight into Jesus' face-even
as the words of his third denial are pouring from his lips.

Remembering Jesus' prediction, Peter goes out and
weeps bitterly. In its own way Peter's denial was as painful
for Jesus as was Judas' betrayal. For Peter the guilt and
shame must have been dreadful.


Lord Jesus, You looked in love on Peter in the midst of his
sin. Look on me in my sins and turn me to sorrow and regret,
so I may run to You for forgiveness and peace. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Thursday, March 21, 2013


This week, Senator Jeff Sessions said we have
no “moral or legal responsibility to reward
somebody who entered the country [without
documentation].” [1] His comment ignores the
fact that any path to citizenship for undocumented
immigrants is likely to involve fines and penalties.
More important, he is just wrong. As Christians
we have a clear, moral responsibility to care about
every child of God, regardless of their documentation

This statement is a direct challenge to the growing
support from people of faith for immigration reform.
We need to remind Sen. Sessions that our moral
responsibility is real.

Immigration reform is not about politics. It is about
the biblical call to welcome the stranger and care
for the least of these. We have a moral responsibility
to fix the broken immigration system that is hurting
our brothers and sisters. Both Republicans and
Democrats agree that a solution should include a
roadmap to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring
Americans who are contributing to our society.

Sen. Sessions’ statement cannot go unchallenged.
Tell the senator that you believe we have a moral
responsibility to care about ALL our sisters and




Read Luke 22:35-38, 47-53.
TEXT: "Lord, shall we strike with the sword?"
(see Luke 22:49).

While still in the upper room, Jesus had told His
disciples, "Let the one who has no sword sell his
cloak and buy one." The disciples had answered,
"Look, Lord, here are two swords." When Jesus
said, "It is enough," Peter took one of those
swords along to the Mount of Olives.

Now as they see Jesus surrounded by the temple
guards, the disciples ask if He wants them to
attack with the sword. But before Jesus can
answer, Peter draws out his sword and strikes it
against a guard standing nearby. Apparently, he
was trying to split the man's skull and missed,
cutting off his right ear instead. It may seem
strange for one lone man to attack a whole
company of armed men, but Peter was going to
do his part to set Jesus free.

Knowing Peter's attack could lead the guards to
draw their swords and attack the disciples, Jesus
steps forward and takes charge of the situation.
He miraculously heals the servant's ear and brings
peace and order back to the garden. This will be
Jesus' last miracle before His death and
resurrection. It is important to note He does it for
one of the enemies who has come to arrest Him
and lead Him to His death.

Does Judas see this miracle? It is proof that Jesus
is still concerned for His enemies. He is willing to
forgive Judas and restore him-if only he will believe
it in his hour of guilt and regret.


Lord Jesus, You put Peter's sword back into its
sheath and showed kindness to a stricken enemy,
as You went forward to save us by Your suffering
and death. In all times, and especially in danger,
help me entrust myself into Your mighty
hands. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



Read Luke 22:47-48.
TEXT: But Jesus said to him, "Judas, would you
betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"
(Luke 22:48).

Jesus awakens His disciples. While He is telling
them to stay awake and pray, Jewish temple
guards come forward with Judas at the lead. They
come in force to maintain control, as they take
Jesus into custody. Their presence will be
especially necessary if word should get out to the
great crowd of Jewish pilgrims, hanging on Jesus'
words in the temple.

The large number of temple guards is worthless.
If Jesus didn't want to be arrested, He could
overpower all of them with a word, or He could call
on His Father to send an angel army 72,000 strong.
Instead, He submits to His Father's will. But He
does not remain silent. He speaks one last time to
Judas, trying to awaken his conscience. "Judas,
are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?" The
betrayer's hypocrisy is striking, using something as
familiar as a kiss and making it the instrument by
which he would deliver Jesus over to His enemies.

But Judas does not see his guilt or his shame. He
kisses Jesus in order to distinguish Him from the
other disciples. But even this is unnecessary. Jesus
is already stepping forward to put Himself in their hands.

This must have been one of the most painful things
for Jesus. In this bitter betrayal, one that He loved
now turned against Him with a simple kiss. But that
was not all. Jesus knew Judas wouldn't recognize the
terrible thing he just did, and later he would rush off in
despair and take his own life.


Lord Jesus, how sharp the pain You suffered as Judas
whom You loved betrayed You with  a kiss! Forgive me
the times I thoughtlessly betray You.    Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Read Luke 22:39-46.
TEXT: And being in an agony He prayed more
earnestly (see Luke 22:44).

After the Last Supper we read, "He came out
and went, as was His custom, to the Mount of
Olives." Judas knew that custom well. He knew
where he could lead the temple police to arrest
Jesus. By choosing this place and not a
location unknown to Judas, Jesus is already
surrendering Himself to His Father's plan.

Jesus instructs His disciples to pray. He then
withdraws from them, kneels down and prays,
"Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from
Me." This cup is God's furious wrath at all our sins.
Drinking down that punishment will be bitter and
deadly. But Jesus submits Himself to His
Father's grand design, "Not My will, but Yours,
be done."

The Father sends an angel to strengthen Jesus'
body. He did the same after Jesus fasted 40 days
in the wilderness, being tempted by Satan. This
angel strengthens and renews Jesus' human mind
and body to fully face the horror of the wrath of God
coming upon Him.

But the struggle is not yet over. Jesus still dreads
the cup the Father holds out for Him. We see the
intensity of Jesus' struggle as Luke the physician
writes, "His sweat became like great drops of blood
falling down to the ground." Tiny blood vessels under
the skin can rupture under extreme stress, permitting
blood to mingle with the sweat. The struggle lasts for
hours before Jesus is finally at peace. He rises to His
feet, ready to drink the cup down to its dregs.

Lord Jesus, Your bitter sufferings in the garden
prepared You for the fiery trial to come. Give me grace
and strength to pray to You in the darkest hours of my
life, for my spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Monday, March 18, 2013



Read Luke 22:31-34.
TEXT: (Jesus said) "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan
demanded to have you, that he might sift you like
wheat" (Luke 22:31).

Jesus predicted Judas' betrayal. Now He turns to
Peter, whose name means rock. But this time
Jesus doesn't call him "Peter"; instead, He repeats
his name, "Simon, Simon," to show His deep concern.

Jesus draws back the spiritual curtain to expose the
devil, who stands behind all that Jesus will soon suffer:
Judas' betrayal, Peter's denial, the murderous vote of
the Jewish leaders, the cowardice of the Roman
governor, and the cruelty of the Roman soldiers. In
Peter's case Satan demanded that God hand him
over to be crushed and sifted. But where Satan
demands, Jesus prays. He tells Peter, "I have prayed
for you that your faith may not fail."

Peter's faith will be sorely tried in the hours to come,
but Jesus makes a bold and comforting prophesy,
"When you have turned again, strengthen your
brothers." Peter's pride and self-confidence will be
crushed and sifted like wheat, but the Holy Spirit will
safeguard his faith to keep it from failing.

Jesus speaks of the future; Simon speaks of the
present. He is proud and confident that he will not fail.
He is ready to go with Jesus to prison or even to death.
So Jesus explicitly predicts his coming denials: "I tell
you, Peter, the rooster will not crow this day, until you
deny three times that you know Me."

The Son of God's prophetic word trumps Peter's
confident self-assurance. But it will take the rooster's
crow and a telling look from Jesus to convince Peter of
that fact-and to recall him to repentance, the first step
to forgiveness and restoration.


Lord Jesus, like Peter, sometimes I'm confident in my
strength and abilities. At other times I'm utterly
defeated. Forgive my sins and fill me with Your Spirit,
that I may walk in Your great strength. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Sunday, March 17, 2013



Read Luke 22:21-23.
TEXT: (Jesus said) "Behold, the hand of him who
betrays Me is with Me on the
table" (Luke 22:21).

Jesus first mentioned a betrayal when He predicted
His sufferings to His disciples. Now at the Last
Supper He staggers His disciples with the words,
"Behold, the hand of him who betrays Me is with Me
on the table."

Judas must have been dumbstruck. Jesus has just
put the secret he has carefully hidden out on the table
for all to see. The tables have completely turned, and
Judas is at Jesus' mercy. He has the power to betray
Judas into the other disciples' hands or, at the very
least, He can foil any attempt Judas may make to try
to betray Him.

Now that He has Judas' fearful attention, Jesus
continues, "The Son of Man goes as it has been
determined...." No one will force the Son of God to
His sufferings- not Judas, not the Jewish leaders, not
the Roman governor-but in order to fulfill His Father's
will and to save mankind He willingly goes to His death.

But Jesus' focus is not on Himself; it's on Judas, "But
woe to that man by whom He is betrayed." Jesus wants
it to sink in. Like so many of the sins we contemplate,
Judas doesn't understand the full magnitude of what he
is about to do. Jesus wants him to understand, so he
will confess his sin now and receive Jesus' pardon and
forgiveness-before it is too late.

The disciples question among themselves as to who
would do this dastardly act. Jesus could do to Judas
that which Judas agreed to do to Him. It is in His power
to betray Judas to them. But He shields and protects
him instead.


Lord Jesus, You reached out to Judas with true love
and concern, urging him to repent and believe. Destroy
my love of worldly things that I may repent and trust in
You alone. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Saturday, March 16, 2013



Read Luke 22:7-20.
TEXT: And He said to them, "I have earnestly desired
to eat this Passover with you before I suffer"
(Luke 22:15).

The day has finally come when the Passover Lamb
must be sacrificed; Jesus' time is drawing near. He
sends Peter and John to make preparations for their
Passover. This memorial feast recalls the night when
God sent His angel of death to kill the firstborn of Egypt.
However, the angel passed over the houses of His people
whose doors were marked with the blood of the Passover
Lamb. By His mighty hand the Lord forced Pharaoh to
free His people Israel.

When evening comes they are reclining at the table.
Jesus tells them how much He has desired to share this
Passover together. He has just a few hours to prepare
His disciples for an ordeal that will shake them to the core.

Everything He says and does points to His sufferings,
which they have been trying so hard to ignore:

"This is the last Passover I will eat with you."

"Take, eat, this is My body, do this in remembrance of

"This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant
in My blood."

And yet with the sorrow of these words, Jesus institutes
a new feast-a memorial feast far beyond Moses' Passover.
In, with and under the bread He miraculously gives us His
body, which suffered God's wrath in our place. In, with and
under the wine He gives us His blood, poured out in death,
so we might live with Him forever. Forgiven, fed and
nourished with this heavenly meal, we have the full
assurance the angel of death will pass over us on Judgment


Almighty God, Your Son gave Himself to suffering and death
to satisfy Your wrath at my sins, and to secure my place with
You in heaven. Receive my thanks and praise. In Jesus'
Name I pray. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Friday, March 15, 2013



Read Luke 22:1-6.
TEXT: Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew
near, which is called the Passover
(Luke 22:1).

Luke tells us the great Jewish festival of the
Passover with its Feast of Unleavened Bread is
drawing near. It is the reason the huge crowds have
come from all over the Roman Empire to Jerusalem.
It recalls Israel's deliverance from slavery in Egypt
by the death of the Egyptian firstborn. It was called
"Passover" because the Lord caused the angel of
death to pass over the Israelite houses marked with
the blood of the Passover Lamb.

The Jewish high court is meeting. Having already
determined to put Jesus to death, they are looking for
the best time and manner to accomplish this. They
won't consider an assassination; they want to find
Him guilty of a capital crime and persuade Pilate to
execute Him.

They keep coming back to one key problem: the huge
crowds of pilgrims are thronging around Jesus,
hanging on His every word. As long as the crowds are
in town, there is nothing they can do to Jesus. They
decide they must wait to kill Jesus after the Passover
is complete, when the crowds leave Jerusalem to
return home.

Suddenly, an unexpected possibility arises. One of
Jesus' hand-picked disciples, Judas Iscariot, offers to
betray Jesus to them for the modest price of 30 silver
pieces. The priests rejoice in this unforeseen opportunity.
They never could have predicted a defection from within
Jesus' camp. Now they have a man on the inside,
watching for the opportunity to hand Jesus over to them
before the Feast.

Jesus' predictions are falling into place: "the Son of Man
is about to be delivered into the hands of men."


Lord Jesus, You knew Judas was plotting against You,
yet You continued to reach out to him in love. Reach out
to me with Your forgiveness and grace. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Thursday, March 14, 2013



Read Luke 20:45-47.
TEXT: And in the hearing of all the people He said
to His disciples, "Beware of the scribes...."
(see Luke 20:45-46).

Jesus has faced every question, challenge and riddle
from His enemies, and has come out shining, while
they have been completely humiliated. We might
expect gentle Jesus to turn down the heat on His
enemies now. But no, turning to His disciples He
speaks loud enough for everyone to hear. And that
includes the great crowd of Jews filling the temple
courts as well as the scribes standing nearby. They
certainly weren't pleased to hear Him say, "Beware
of the scribes."

The scribes started as simple copyists, laboriously
copying the Old Testament scrolls into new ones.
They had come to be seen as Bible experts, but in
their busyness had completely missed Scripture's
central message of salvation from sin, death and hell
through the coming Messiah. The people looked at
them as experts, and the Pharisees based their living
on the traditions and interpretations of these scribes.

Jesus exposes them, warning His disciples to avoid
their false teachings. He points out how they love to
be recognized and honored in the marketplaces,
sitting in the front seats of the synagogues and at
the choicest seats at meals.

They greedily devour widows' houses and cover up
their robbery with long, elaborate prayers to deceive
and impress the unknowing masses. On the Day of
Judgment, they will face steep punishment for the
way they misused God's Word for their own selfish

Publicly embarrassed and put to shame, yet unable
to find any way to turn the crowds against Jesus,
the scribes rage within, looking for an opportunity to
take their revenge. That opportunity will come sooner
than any of them expect.


Lord Jesus, I easily fall into the same sins as those
scribes, possessing my own pride, selfishness and
arrogance. Forgive me and teach me to live in truth
and humility. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013



Read Luke 20:41-44.
TEXT: "David calls Him Lord, so how is He
his Son?" (Luke 20:44).

Jesus has completely silenced His enemies,
easily evading their traps. Now it's His turn to
ask the questions and show the priests and
scribes-those who are considered experts in
the Old Testament-how little they truly
understand of God's Word.

The scribes readily accept that the Messiah
is David's Son, a human. For them the hard
leap is the transition from thinking of the
Messiah as a mere man to believing He is
God's Son. But Jesus starts on the other
side. First establishing from Psalm 110:1
that the Christ is David's Lord, Jesus asks
how God's almighty Son can possibly be

Jesus is revealing the very heart of the Old
Testament, which the scribes had missed
despite all their careful study. The promised
Savior is the Son of God, begotten of His
Heavenly Father from eternity, before all
creation. But here in time God's Son
became human by the miraculous power of
the Holy Spirit, when He was conceived of
the Virgin Mary. This should sound familiar.
Jesus is talking about the mystery of

But that Baby lying in the manger was not
just Mary's human child; He was God's own
eternal Son, who had become human. That
is the reason the angels proclaimed His birth,
and the reason the wise men bowed down to
worship Him. Being human He could submit
Himself to God's Law and earn our home in
heaven by His perfect obedience. And since
He is human He could take our sins upon
Himself and suffer and die. Since the Christ
is also God's Son, His suffering and death
will suffice for all humans of all time.


Lord Jesus, we thank You for humbling
Yourself to leave Your glorious throne, for
becoming human, and for saving us from
our sins. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries(

Tuesday, March 12, 2013



Read Luke 20:27-40.
TEXT: There came to Him some Sadducees, those
who deny that there is a
resurrection (Luke 20:27).

The scribes and Pharisees make up part of the Jewish
high court; another group is the priests who are
Sadducees. They only accept Moses' writings from the
Old Testament and reject the resurrection, angels and
heaven. But that won't stop them from posing a
resurrection riddle to make Jesus look foolish.

They refer to a Mosaic law that preserved the line of an
Israelite man who died childless. If the man's brother
married the widow, the first son born could be
considered the dead man's son. In their riddle a man
died childless, each of his six brothers married the
widow in turn, but each died childless. So whose wife
will she be in the resurrection?

It seems a no-win question for Jesus. She couldn't be
the wife of all seven. But if God chooses one of the
brothers to be her husband He would be wronging the
others. Jesus easily smashes their house of cards.
God's gift of marriage holds only for this earthly period
of time-not at the resurrection.

Now Jesus turns to their rejection of the resurrection.
He even refers to Moses, the only authority they will
accept from the Old Testament. When speaking to
Moses out of the burning bush, God said, "I am the
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" (see Exodus 3:6).
If there was no life after death God would have had to
say "I was their God," not "I am their God." God's
"I AM" proves the human soul survives physical death
and implies the resurrection when Christ returns.

Jesus has corrected the Sadducees so well even the
hostile scribes commend Him.

Lord Jesus, we are often so slow to believe things we
cannot see. Remove my doubts and unbelief and give
me firm confidence in the resurrection and eternal life
You have promised to all believers. I pray in Jesus'
Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Monday, March 11, 2013



Read Luke 20:20-26.
TEXT: The scribes and the chief priests ... sent
spies, who pretended to be sincere, that they
might catch Him in something He said, so as to
deliver Him up to the authority and jurisdiction of
the governor (see Luke 20:19-20).

The leaders of the Jewish high court are furious
at Jesus, especially for the parable He just spoke
against them. But since the crowds are hanging
on Jesus' every word, the leaders cannot directly
attack Him. They know they will only be able to
destroy Him if they can turn the people against

They decide to attack Him indirectly. So they
send spies posing as genuine believers to trick
Jesus into saying something that will get Him
into trouble with the Roman governor. First, they
flatter Jesus to try to throw Him off; then they
slyly ask, "Is it lawful for us to give tribute to
Caesar or not?"

It's a devilishly brilliant trap. If Jesus answers,
"Yes, you should pay taxes," He'll risk losing
His popularity with the pilgrim crowds. But if He
says, "No," Pilate will be forced to move in and
quickly silence this troublemaker, especially
with the dangerous crowds gathered for the
Passover Feast.

But Jesus perceives their craftiness and
recognizes their trap. So He asks them to show
Him the coin used to pay the tax. When they
produce the denarius He asks whose image
and inscription it bears. They answer, "Caesar's.
" Jesus then answers, "Then render to Caesar
the things that are Caesar's and to God the
things that are God's."

Unable to catch Jesus in His words before the
multitudes, they marvel and grow silent.


Lord Jesus, Satan sent so many enemies to
lay traps for You, yet none were able to trip
You up. Forgive my pride and failings and guide
my steps that I may honor You in my words
and actions. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Read Luke 20:9-19.
TEXT: And He began to tell the people this
parable (see Luke 20:9).

The representatives of the Jewish high court
have been humiliated in front of the crowd.
They just want to slink back to the high
priest's house, but Jesus isn't done with
them yet. Since they won't be honest
enough to say what they truly feel about John
the Baptist, Jesus uses a parable that
answers their original question and asserts His
authority to carry on His ministry.

In His parable Jesus uses a few brush strokes
to quickly paint a picture of God's people. He
planted them in the Promised Land, as a man
would plant a vineyard. He lent His nation out
to the priests and religious leaders, who should
use His Word to tend His people and prepare
them to serve one another and glorify God with
their lives.

When the leaders failed to lead His people
correctly, God sent servant-prophets to call them
back to faithfully fulfill their work of leading the
nation in repentance, faith and good works. But
the leaders beat and mistreated the prophets and
sent them away empty-handed. Finally, the owner
sends His beloved Son-and they plot to kill Him.

The drama is intense. The leaders know Jesus is
speaking about them, and their rage and fury grow,
even as their hidden plan to murder God's own Son
is openly exposed by Jesus to all the pilgrims, who
have gathered at the temple courts in Jerusalem.


Lord Jesus, You loved the Jewish leaders and used
a parable they understood to reveal the enormity of
what they were planning to do. Help me see my sins
and run to You for forgiveness and peace. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Saturday, March 09, 2013



Read Luke 20:1-8.
TEXT: "Tell us, by what authority You do these
things, or who is it that gave You this
authority?" (see Luke 20:2).

The Jewish Sanhedrin or high court led by the
high priest is the recognized authority in
Jerusalem. They aren't crazy about Jesus
driving the animals and moneychangers out of
the temple and teaching huge crowds right under
their noses. So a group from the Sanhedrin
comes to ask who gave Him the authority to do
these things.

They expect Jesus to say His authority came
from God. Then they will demand proof, which
they will refuse to recognize, thus discrediting
Him in front of the crowds. Jesus recognizes their
intended trap. He politely answers, "I also will ask
you a question. Now tell Me, was the baptism of
John from heaven or from man?"

Suddenly, their trap is sprung, but they are the
ones caught in it! They could give an answer that
would please the crowds, saying John's authority
was from God, but they know Jesus will ask why
then did they not obey him and receive his baptism.
If they tell Him what they honestly think, saying
John's authority did not come from God, they fear
the crowd will rise up and stone them to death
because the people held John to be a prophet.

So the only answer they can give is no answer at
all: "We don't know where his authority came from."
This is hardly a suitable answer, since they are
considered the leaders who are responsible for
religious instruction in Israel. They are completely
humiliated by the answer they have to give.

Jesus turns it back against them. If you will not
answer Me, "Neither will I tell you by what authority
I do these things."


Lord Jesus Christ, Your authority indeed came from
God Your Father, the same source of John's authority.
Help me accept Your authority and trust in You always.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Friday, March 08, 2013



Read Luke 19:45-48.
TEXT: And He entered the temple and began
to drive out those who sold
(Luke 19:45).

The Jerusalem temple was a reminder of God's
presence with His people, and animal sacrifices
were a central component of the worship there.
As the worshipper laid his hands on the animal's
head and confessed his sins, God transferred
his guilt to the animal, which was put to death in
his place. All these sacrifices pointed ahead to
Jesus. He is the Lamb of God who would take
our place and be put to death for the sins of the
whole world.

Since Jewish pilgrims travelled great distances
for the Passover Feast, they were unable to bring
along their own sacrificial animals. Jesus has no
problem with sacrificial animals being available for
sale, or with moneychangers converting foreign
currency into temple currency. His problem is
where those animals were being sold-in the
courtyards of the temple.

In holy wrath Jesus drives all of them out. He
quotes Isaiah, "It is written, 'My House shall be
a house of prayer,' but you have made it a den
of robbers'" (see Isaiah 56:7). It is bad enough to
make themselves robbers by selling the sacrificial
animals at unreasonable prices. But even worse,
they carry on their trade in the very courtyard of
the temple, where worshippers are trying to pray
to God amidst all these distractions.

The Jewish leaders are infuriated that Jesus would
challenge their authority and interfere with their
trade. But they cannot destroy Him because the
great crowds of pilgrims are hanging on His words.
As we'll see in the coming days, His teachings
will grow more pointed, and His popularity will
continue to increase.


Almighty God, Your Son drove out all distractions
from Your temple courts. Clear my mind of all
distractions that I may worship You with all my
heart, mind and soul. I pray in Jesus' Name.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Thursday, March 07, 2013



Read Luke 19:39-44.
TEXT: And some of the Pharisees in the crowd said
to Him, "Teacher, rebuke Your disciples." He
answered, "I tell you, if these were silent, the very
stones would cry out" (Luke 19:39-40).

Jesus enters Jerusalem with a large crowd joyfully
singing His praises. Some Pharisees come out of
Jerusalem and urge Jesus to silence His supporters.
But Jesus refuses; this King will have His rightful praise.
Even if the people remain silent, the stones themselves
will cry out.

In a few days the Pharisees will have their way. These
praises will fall silent as the crowds begin shouting,
"Crucify, crucify Him!" Reaching the ridge of Jerusalem
Jesus begins sobbing. If only the city realized how easily
it could escape disaster. All its citizens have to do is
turn from their wrongs and trust in Jesus. Woefully, that
great peace is hidden from their eyes.

Jesus' tears flow because His all-knowing eyes see what
will happen here in 40 years. He sees the Roman legions
arriving, encircling the city, and cutting down the trees to
build their siege weapons. He sees violence and disease
breaking out through the doomed city. He sees starvation
and plague ravaging those who remain. He sees the
Romans breaking through the city walls and savagely
attacking the last defenders at the temple walls. He sees
the temple in flames and the defenders being slaughtered,
as they turn from their Roman attackers in a
desperate attempt to extinguish the fires. He sees the
temple reduced to rubble, with not one stone left upon another.
And He weeps bitterly because all this is so needless. If
only they would recognize God graciously visiting them
through His Son.


Lord Jesus, Your heart broke at the senseless devastation
Jerusalem would suffer because of its foolish unbelief. Guard
my heart and mind against unbelief, so I may live with You
in heaven, and not suffer eternally in hell. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Wednesday, March 06, 2013



Read Luke 19:28-38.
TEXT: The whole multitude of His disciples
began to rejoice and praise God with a loud
voice for all the mighty works that they had
seen (see Luke 19:37).

Jesus has travelled to Jerusalem many times
in His life, but this trip will be the last time.
Every other time He walked through its gates,
but not this time. Today He rides into the city
as Jerusalem's King, its Messiah. But the
King of kings does not ride a splendid war
horse; instead, He sends His disciples to
bring Him a humble donkey, a lowly beast of
burden. This animal fits Jesus' entire earthly
life. He came as the meek, humble Baby
born in Bethlehem's manger; He will lay down
His life in humility on the cross.

The crowds are caught up in excitement. They
shout "Blessed is the King who comes in the
Name of the Lord." The term "blessed" points
to the Father, who chose this King and
continues to bless Him. Even though He rides
a humble donkey, Jesus enters Jerusalem as
our King, coming to conquer our great enemies-
Satan, sin, death and hell.

The crowds add "peace in heaven and glory in
the highest." These are the same words the
angels shared with the shepherds at Jesus' birth.
Peace in heaven celebrates God's peace coming
down upon the earth through the Messiah. His
victory brings praise to God from His angels in
heaven and from all of us who have been saved
by His mighty Son.

Jesus accepts this praise sweeping through the
crowds because it is right and true. He is the
King riding into Jerusalem to prepare to fight to
the death to defend His people. In a few days He
will stagger out through the city gates, carrying
His cross to the battlefield.

THE PRAYER: Lord Jesus, our great conquering
King, You rode into Jerusalem to wage war for
Your people. Receive my thanksgiving for the
victory You won through Your suffering, death
and resurrection. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Tuesday, March 05, 2013



Read Luke 19:11-27.
TEXT: "But his citizens hated him and sent a
delegation after him, saying, 'We do not want
this man to reign over us'" (Luke 19:14).

Jesus' choice to stay with the chief tax collector
Zacchaeus divides the crowd. Some are upset
Jesus is associating with such an open sinner.
Others think God's Kingdom will appear at once
when He reaches the Jewish capital Jerusalem.
Jesus tells a parable that answers both ideas.

The people have no trouble picturing His story of
a nobleman traveling to a distant country to have
himself proclaimed king. That was the way the
Roman Empire worked. Herod the Great left the
land of Palestine and travelled to Rome before
Emperor Augustus proclaimed him king. Only
then could he return to rule.

Jesus pictures Himself as that nobleman-the
great Son of David and Son of God. Instead of
beginning His reign when He enters Jerusalem,
He will be murdered by His enemies. But after
His resurrection He will leave the earth, ascending
into heaven where the Father will proclaim Him
King. Then on the Last Day-and not until that
moment-Jesus will return to reward His faithful
servants and establish His Kingdom on the new

Now Jesus turns to His enemies. He has shown
great patience, humility, grace, mercy and love
toward them, but they have hated Him without
cause. He warns that the time of judgment is
coming. He will return with His angel armies to
capture His enemies and slaughter them.

To our ears that judgment sounds harsh. But Christ
your King has given you fair warning. If you will not
bow your knee to Him in faith, you will forfeit your
life and suffer eternally in hell.


Almighty God, You have established Your Son as
the Ruler of all things in heaven and on earth. Break
through my rebellious heart that I may love Him and
serve Him now and through all eternity. I pray in
Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministires)

Monday, March 04, 2013



Read Luke 19:1-10.
TEXT: "Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, for I
must stay at your house today"
(see Luke 19:5).

Jesus' final week is just a few days away. He has
come to Jericho to spend the night, but His host is
not home. So Jesus passes through town to find him.

Zacchaeus is a chief tax collector and extremely
wealthy. But he left his tax office when he heard Jesus
had come to town. He knew Jesus' reputation-while
the Jews and their leaders despised tax collectors
as traitors and thieves-Jesus was known as a friend to
tax collectors. Rushing to the far edge of town, he
climbed a tree to see the Lord.

Jesus comes right up to that spot, stops, and looks
up into the tree. Calling Zacchaeus by name He tells
him to come down quickly. Jesus wants to spend this
night in his house.

Zacchaeus scurries down and receives Jesus with
great joy. The crowd hears this and is terribly
scandalized. How could Jesus choose to stay in the
home of a notorious sinner? What they didn't know is
that Jesus had already begun to change Zacchaeus'
heart. The chief tax collector was repenting of his sins
and planning to make amends for his past wrongdoings.

Jesus points out that Zacchaeus is a son of Abraham
just as are those in the crowd. True children of
Abraham share Abraham's faith in God's promise to
send the Christ or Messiah. Zacchaeus knew Jesus
had given him a great honor by staying in his house.
But did he know His Lord had chosen to spend one
of the last precious nights He had on earth with him?


Lord Jesus Christ, with amazing grace You sought
out the despised chief tax collector Zacchaeus and
honored him by staying at His house that night. Help
us appreciate the honor You give us by promising to
remain with us always. Amen

(Lutheran Hour Ministries).

Sunday, March 03, 2013



Read Luke 18:35-43.
TEXT: And he cried out, "Jesus, Son of David,
have mercy on me!" And those who were in front
rebuked him, telling him to be silent
(see Luke 18:38-39).

Jesus is approaching Jericho. It's one of His last
stops before Jerusalem. Along the road sits a
blind man begging. Hearing a loud commotion
passing by, he asks what's going on. Someone
from the crowd answers, "Jesus of Nazareth is
passing by."

Immediately, the beggar begins shouting at the
top of his lungs. He knows Jesus is somewhere
in that crowd, which is shuffling past him. But
unlike the stranger from the crowd he doesn't
call Him "Jesus the Nazarene." Instead, he calls
him, "Jesus, Son of David." He is convinced that
Jesus is the promised Messiah, David's Son.

Jesus indeed is the King marching on to save His
people from their enemies. Some in the crowd try
to silence the blind man, but he shouts all the
louder to get Jesus' attention. That is the character
of faith: the more people and circumstances rise
up to silence us, the louder we cry for our Lord to
be merciful to us.

We might expect Jesus to be so preoccupied with
His approaching death that He wouldn't notice a
lone voice, crying out to Him in the midst of the
clamor of the crowd. But His ears are attuned to
cries for mercy from His faithful ones. Now that He
has accomplished His mission and won complete
forgiveness, we can be confident He hears our cries
for mercy and pity too.

The man is blind no longer. He rises and follows
Jesus on His way.


Lord Jesus Christ, even as You were journeying
toward Your bitter death, Your ears were wide open
to the pleas of the blind man. Give me confidence that
You hear my prayers for mercy too. In Jesus' Name.

(Lutheran Hour Minstries)

Saturday, March 02, 2013



Read Luke 18:31-34.
TEXT: For He will be delivered over to the Gentiles
and will be mocked and shamefully treated and spit
upon. And after flogging Him, they will kill Him, and
on the third day He will rise (Luke 18:32-33).

Jesus has left Galilee in the north and is on the road
to Jerusalem with His 12 disciples. The crowds are
excited by everything Jesus is doing, and the
disciples are swept up in their hopes and dreams.
Jesus tells them everything recorded in the Old
Testament prophets concerning Him will be fulfilled in
Jerusalem. They expect Jesus to announce His
glorious earthly kingdom, but Jesus paints a very
different picture.

Twice before, Jesus has announced His coming death
and resurrection. Both times He veiled the details
behind the words, "The Son of Man must suffer many
things." Now, however, He spells it out. He doesn't
disclose Judas' upcoming betrayal, but He does reveal
that the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin, will deliver
Him into the hands of the Gentiles, namely, Pontius
Pilate, the Roman governor.

The Roman soldiers will then mock Him, treat Him
shamefully and outrageously, spit upon Him, flog Him,
and then kill Him. The details are stunning. Jesus
knows exactly what He is walking into-and He goes

This is not at all what the disciples expect or want to
hear. But when those words are fulfilled, they will have
no doubt that Jesus foresaw it all, and went through
it all, for them and us.


Almighty God, Your Son knew all He must suffer to
save us from our sins, and yet He took that path willingly.
Give me a thankful heart that I may joyfully follow
whatever path You choose to set before me. I pray in
Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)

Friday, March 01, 2013



Read Luke 13:31-35.
TEXT: "Get away from here, for Herod wants to kill
You" (see Luke 13:31).

Each day the danger increases for Jesus. Today some
Pharisees pass along an alleged death threat. If Herod
did make this threat, it was more of a bluff to drive
Jesus out of the region. Later he will have his chance to
kill Jesus in Jerusalem, but instead he will hand Him
back over to Pilate. He doesn't want to anger his Galilean
subjects by killing yet another popular prophet, executing
John the Baptist had already cost him enough.

Jesus refuses to be intimidated. His time in Galilee is
growing extremely short, and He will reach every person
He possibly can before He must move on toward Jerusalem.
Jesus gives them a message to take back to Herod, "Tell
that fox, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures
today and tomorrow, and the third day I finish my course.
'" If demons and diseases cannot stop Jesus from carrying
out the work the Father has set for Him to do, no earthly
ruler will either.

He must go up to Jerusalem. And it is there-like so many
prophets before Him- that Jesus must die. Like a bird that
spreads its wings to gather its chicks and shield them from
danger, Jesus reaches out to His people, but they turn their
backs. On the cross His arms will be stretched out for them
also, but they will pass by with sneers, insults and mockery.

This brings tears to His eyes. But they are not for Him;
rather, they are for the people of Jerusalem He so desperately
wants to save, but they are unwilling. This unwillingness will
lead to their destruction at the hands of the Roman legions in
another 40 years.


Almighty God, so many times You reached out to Your people,
yet they kept turning their backs on You. Heal my stubborn
heart, so I may know Your peace and joy through Jesus Christ
my Lord and Savior. I pray in Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)



Read Luke 13:1-5.
TEXT: There were some present at that very time
who told Him about the Galileans whose blood
Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices (Luke 13:1).

Today we catch our first glimpse of Pontius Pilate,
the Roman military governor. Jesus is making His
way toward Jerusalem when He gets word of a
recent tragic event in Jerusalem. While some of
Jesus' fellow Galileans were offering sacrifices in
the temple courts, Pilate's soldiers rushed in and
killed them. This event is not recorded by any other
Gospel writer or ancient historian, and Luke
doesn't explain Pilate's reasons; he is more
interested in Jesus' reaction.

"Do you think that these Galileans where worse
sinners than all the other Galileans because they
suffered in this way?" That's how people thought in
that day, and it's a conclusion we sometimes are
too quick to jump to in our day too. If someone
suffers something horrendous such as a tragic
accident or an illness, then God must be punishing
them for some secret sin. Jesus warns us not to
judge by outward appearances.

In a short time another Galilean will be killed at the
hands of Pontius Pilate. People will look at Jesus
hanging on the cross and reach the false conclusion
God is punishing Him for falsely claiming to be His
Son. But in truth, Jesus is God's perfect Son. He will
hang on the cross and endure punishment for the
sins of all people for all time. This He will do that
God may give complete forgiveness to all who repent
and believe.

Jesus continues, "No, I tell you, but unless you
repent, you will all likewise perish." All people are
sinners. Only those who repent and trust in Jesus'
sacrifice in their place will find salvation and eternal life.


Almighty God, teach me not to judge how You feel
about me or anyone else by mere appearances and
circumstances. Let me instead live by faith in Jesus
Christ my Lord. I pray in His Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)