Tuesday, April 02, 2013


Easter Tuesday


Read Luke 24:36-49.
TEXT: As they were talking about these things,
Jesus Himself stood among them
(see Luke 24:36).

On Sunday evening the disciples are hiding behind
locked doors. But their fear and grief has been
replaced with joy, as they discuss Jesus' afternoon
appearances to Simon and on the road to Emmaus.
Suddenly, Jesus is standing right in their midst,
saying, "Peace be with you."

They should be overjoyed, but instead they are
terrified. He didn't come through an open door or
window. He simply appeared out of thin air. They
think they are looking upon a ghost. Immediately,
Jesus asks why they are so agitated. He stretches
out His hands and tells them to feel and know He
has flesh and bones.

Still the disciples cannot believe because their
hearts and minds are unable to grasp the magnitude
of the wonderful thing they are seeing. So Jesus
asks for some food. By eating before them He can
impress upon them that they are actually looking at
His risen body and not a ghost.

Just as Jesus unrolled the Old Testament references
about His suffering, death and resurrection to the two
walking to Emmaus, He unfolds the prophets to the
11 and those with them. He reminds them what He
had said to them when He was with them before His
death-that He would suffer, die and rise again on the
third day. Now they remember His mighty words of
prophecy. Finally, Jesus reveals their work. The
disciples are witnesses of Jesus' fulfillment of the Old
Testament prophecies, so they are to be the witnesses
who proclaim what they have seen to all nations,
beginning with Jerusalem. First, they must wait until
Jesus sends His Holy Spirit to equip them with power
from on high.


Lord Jesus, thank You for completing all the work
required for our salvation. Help me to faithfully believe
the words You shared with Your witnesses in the
New Testament. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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