Saturday, May 04, 2013


"I can do all things through Christ, because he
gives me strength". (Philippians 4:13)


This verse, taken from Philippians, is a verse
that I wish I could keep in my head at all times.
I need to remember in my life there is nothing I
can’t do because Jesus Christ gives me strength.

I believe when God gives us physical and spiritual
strength, there is absolutely nothing that we
cannot do through him. I know everything can be
achieved by God, there is nothing He cannot do in
us, through us, or for us. In my mind I need to
keep this, I need to remember this, I need to
repeat this over and over again. There is nothing
he cannot do in us, through us, or for us.

You need to keep this in mind the next time you
are struggling. The next time you have a problem
that seems insurmountable. The next time that
relationship that you have depended upon for so
long suddenly seems to fail. You need to remember
there is nothing He cannot do in us through us or for
us. Go to God, believe in Him, it will work out, it will
be okay, because you see there is nothing
insurmountable in our lives that with God we
will prevail


Lord I know this is all true. Then why is it so difficult
for me to accept this? Why do I have to try everything
else before I realize that there is nothing you cannot
do in us through us or for us. Oh Lord help me to keep
this in my mind, help me to remember this. I know
that you are there for me and through you there will be
the answer. AMEN


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