A recent study reporting on "Spirituality and Well-being
in Australia" claims that the drift towards a more secular
mindset among its citizens has been detrimental to their
health -- and happiness.
The report suggests that in some important areas, those
with a more secular outlook have lower levels of well-being
than those with a spiritual orientation. According to the
study, those with spiritual grounding "tend to have a greater
sense of purpose in life, a greater openness to personal
growth, and more optimism about life in general."
Perhaps not surprisingly, the study also found that those
with a spiritual orientation are more likely to contribute to
others -- whether informally in daily life, or more formally --
giving money to charities or doing voluntary service with
community groups. These findings indicate that the link
between spirituality and wellbeing may be important to a
healthy society.
Said one of the researchers, "it appears that religion and
spirituality provide important anchors for life." -2
When we are firmly anchored in God our Father -- in and
through the Lord Jesus Christ -- we can achieve our best
"spiritual condition." But apart from God, there is no
possibility of genuine growth, genuine happiness, genuine
peace, genuine security. Apart from God we lose the
ultimate anchor for our lives. In the Apostle Paul's words,
"“May the God of Peace make you perfect and holy; and
may you all be kept safe and blameless, spirit, soul and
body for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. God has
called you and He will not fail you"” (1 Thes. 5:23-24).
(excerpts from Sunday Sermons Online)
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