Thursday, June 13, 2013


There is a great quote from Lewis Carroll's "Alice in
Wonderland" with a profound message. Alice has
arrived at a crossroads and she doesn't know which
path to choose, so she asks advice from a Cheshire
cat sitting in the trees: "Which road do I take?" she
asks. "Where do you want to go?" the cat responds.
"I don't know," Alice answers." "Then it doesn't matter,
" says the cat.

And as often occurs in life today, when people have
no direction, they sometimes end up on roads that
lead them astray. If this poor soul had a destination
in mind when he “went out” perhaps he would have
passed by the fight that led him to curse God and he
might have lived. But once he got off track and made
a wrong turn, he started down a dangerous road and
was ultimately lost forever.

We need to be crystal clear about where we are
headed in life if we want to ensure that we stay on the
right track. Every decision we make and every step
that we take ought to be guided by our desired
destination. Wherever we go, let’s make sure that we
 are headed toward God.

With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein

(excerpts taken from Holy Land Moments)


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