Sunday, June 09, 2013



Genesis 15:1-6


I admit to periodic short-term memory loss. I may
recognize God's blessing in my life, celebrated, and
thank God wholeheartedly for it. But, not too long
later, I am back to ruminating on a challenge I'm
facing, or focusing on what someone else has that
I don't.

God's word reminds me that I'm not alone. In this
passage God promises Abraham that his reward will
be great. Yet despite this reassurance, Abraham is
more focused on what he does not have been what
he has been given and promised by God. Remarkably,
God does not take offense to Abraham's challenge.
Instead, God offers him grace and another opportunity.
He calmly takes Abraham outside to look at the stars
and help them gain perspective, promising him a son
and countless descendents. This time Abraham
believes the Lord, and God declares him righteous
because of his faith. Abraham was figuring out his faith.
God offers us the same grace as we work out our faith
with him.


Lord, help me remember and give thanks each day for
your activity in my life. Amen

(The Covenant Home Alter, Daily Devotions, author
Jennifer Andersson)


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