Saturday, July 06, 2013


"In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a
man of prayer." — Psalm 109:4

I really believe that God delivers to us exactly what we
need at that moment. Whatever happens as a result of
the enemies in my life was bound to happen to me one
way or another. This clarity allows me to let go of my
need to hate back or repay the hurt. It allows me to
choose love instead.

If you are like the rest of us, there are probably people
in your life who have hurt you at one time or another.
There are probably also people that you don't know –
even in other countries – who say and do things that
are hateful toward you. But remember – everything is
as it should be and they, too, are part of God's plan.
Lose the hate and choose to love.

Don't put your enemies in their place; instead place
them in your prayers.
"In return for my friendship they accuse me, but I am a
man of prayer." — Psalm 109:4

I really believe that God delivers to us exactly what we
need at that moment. Whatever happens as a result of
the enemies in my life was bound to happen to me one
way or another. This clarity allows me to let go of my
need to hate back or repay the hurt. It allows me to
choose love instead.

If you are like the rest of us, there are probably people
in your life who have hurt you at one time or another.
There are probably also people that you don't know –
even in other countries – who say and do things that
are hateful toward you. But remember – everything is
as it should be and they, too, are part of God's plan.
Lose the hate and choose to love.

Don't put your enemies in their place; instead place
them in your prayers.


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