Psalm 8
O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
Your glory is higher than the heavens.
2 You have taught children and infants
to tell of your strength,[b]
silencing your enemies
and all who oppose you.
3 When I look at the night sky and see the work of your
fingers— the moon and the stars you set in place—
4 what are mere mortals that you should think about them,
human beings that you should care for them?[c]
5 Yet you made them only a little lower than God[d]
and crowned them[e] with glory and honor.
6 You gave them charge of everything you made,
putting all things under their authority—
, and all the wild animals,
8 the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea,
and everything that swims the ocean currents.
9 O Lord, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth!
I've got to tell you that I really love this Psalm. I think one
of the reasons that I am so impressed by this Psalm is that
this same God, this magnificent God, this all-powerful God,
this creative God, is the same God that we pray to every day.
It is the same God that I trust, it is the same God that
protects me every day. It is this same God through all
creation LOVES ME.
This same God whose very name fills all the earth cares
about us. That is what's so wonderful about our faith, that the
God who created the world loves us. You know I like that
question in verse four that askes what are mere mortals that
you should think about them? And then verse five answers that
question. It tells us that we are just a little bit lower than God
and he crowned us with glory and honor. Now here's the
important thing that God did for us. He put us in charge of
everything He made. In other words He loves us so much and
He loves His creation so much that He made us His caretakers
of His creation. I got ask the question, "How are we doing as
God's caretakers".
This is quite a Psalm isn't it. This is why I love it so much
because what it tells us is that this Majestic God loves us
so much that He trusted us to be His caretakers.
Can you believe it, that this is the same God that we pray to
and communicate with every day!
Almighty God, God of heaven and earth, thank you for loving
me so much, thank you for trusting me that you crowned me
with glory and honor and you trusted me with your creation.
Lord give me the strength to do a better job. Amen
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