“These are the laws you are to set before them.” —
Exodus 21:1
“Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart
and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD
was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake,
but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake
came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the
fire came a gentle whisper” (1 Kings 19: 11–12).
There was a great wind, followed by the shaking of the ground,
followed by a blaze of fire. All fantastic and wondrous! God
moved heaven and earth! But God was not in the wind, earth,
or fire. Rather, Elijah heard a soft, still voice – and that was
where he encountered God.
This passage is teaching us that, as great as moments of
revelation and inspiration can be, they are not where we will
find God. It’s wonderful to be moved by a beautiful sunset or
to be awed by a powerful thunderstorm. They may make us
feel more connected to God and inspire us to change. But
that’s not where we encounter God in the deepest way.
We truly encounter God where we are least expecting it –
in the store, at a business meeting, sitting around the house
with our family. It’s the quiet moments in life where we truly
encounter God.
As you go through the day, keep an ear out for that
“gentle whisper” guiding you and commanding you as you go
through life. When you hear God’s voice and choose to obey
His laws, you will have found Him, no matter where you may
be. Nothing is more sensational than that!
With prayers for shalom, peace,
Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
(excerpts taken from Holy Land Moments)
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