Wednesday, December 04, 2013


(Day 4 of Advent)


Read Colossians 1:11-20.
All things were made through Him, and without
Him was not anything made that was made (John 1:3).


Do you want to give a really special, memorable gift this
Christmas? Don't buy something from the store; make
it yourself. Your time, care and attention will show how
important you consider that person. Of course, it helps
if you have some skill or talent in making things.

John's Christmas account carries us back to the very
beginning of Genesis, to a formless and empty earth.
Over the next six days God goes to work carefully
arranging it. He establishes the regular cycle of night
and day; He separates the dry land from the waters;
He sets the sun, moon and stars in place; He produces
trees and vegetation; He creates all kinds of living
creatures to fill the skies, waters and land. And finally
He forms mankind from the dust of the earth.

And where is the Son of God in all of this? John tells us
He is at the Father's side, making all things through His
powerful Word. Read through Genesis 1 again and see
how many times Moses wrote, "And God said ...." This
is the Word, the Second Person of the Trinity. John tells
us, "All things were made through Him." To eliminate any
misconception he adds, "and without Him was not
anything made that was made."

Everything you can see bears His fingerprint, including
your own body, mind and spirit. Each person, each
creature, each blade of grass owes its existence to the
Word. It was He who humbled Himself on that first
Christmas to become part of His creation and be laid in
a manger-a feeding trough for the animals He had created
long before.


Heavenly Father, truly I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Thank You for providing my needs and watching over my life.
Draw me closer to You in the weeks leading up to this
Christmas. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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