(Day 15 of Advent)
Read Deuteronomy 18:15-19.
The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet
like me from among you, from your brothers-it is to
Him you shall listen (Deuteronomy 18:15).
The most famous of Jacob's 12 sons isn't Judah,
the ancestor of the tribe from which Jesus came, it
is his 11th son and his favorite: Joseph. Out of
jealousy Judah and his other brothers sold him into
slavery. He was then taken to Egypt and eventually
raised to the position of prime minister when God
gave him the interpretation of a dream of Pharaoh,
king of Egypt.
When the severe famine predicted in that dream
broke out, Jacob and his family went to Egypt to get
food. There Joseph revealed himself and brought
them to the land of Egypt to live while the famine
persisted. There the Israelites grew in numbers
until the Egyptians feared and enslaved them.
Four hundred years later God raised up an Israelite
from the tribe of Levi named Moses to free Israel
from slavery. Though Moses conveyed God's
command "Let My people go!" Pharaoh hardened
his heart and refused to listen. So God worked 10
powerful plagues through Moses that compelled the
Egyptians to let the Israelites go.
Moses was unique among all the leaders of Israel.
While God spoke to other prophets through dreams
and visions, He spoke to Moses face to face. Before
his death Moses spoke about the Child of Christmas,
promising that God would raise another unique
Prophet like himself. This great Prophet-the Son of
God-will be an Israelite, living among His fellow
Israelites. No wonder we go to such efforts each
Christmas to celebrate His birth among us.
Holy Father, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus
to be our great Prophet. Give us faith to hear and obey
Him always. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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