Monday, December 09, 2013


(Day 9 of Advent)


Read John 3:16-21.
TEXT: The light shines in the darkness, and the
darkness has not overcome it (John 1:5).

When God created light on the first day He didn't
banish the darkness entirely. He established the
regular cycle of night and day, darkness and light.
This framework gave us time to work and play and
time to rest and sleep. But even in that time of
darkness God provided night lights by creating the
moon and stars on the fourth day.

When our first parents Adam and Eve disobeyed
God's command, a new kind of darkness came into
our world. It swept over God's creation like a raging
flood, swallowing up everything in its path. It
distorted our hearts and minds, corrupted our
desire and will, and made us God's enemies-
captives of death and hell.

But just as God did not leave the earth wrapped in
darkness, He did not abandon His creatures to sin's
darkness either. He sent His Son into the world to
overpower it. The spiritual darkness was not about
to go quietly. It stirred King Herod to try to slaughter
the young child among the young boys in Bethlehem.
Throughout the days of His public ministry, it tried to
silence Jesus through threats and persecution.
Finally, on the cross and in the sealed grave it
looked as though darkness had snuffed out the Light.
But on the third day Christ arose, shining His light
of victory over sin, Satan, death and hell forever.

This world still tries to snuff out the Light-to take
the Christ out of our Christmas. But Jesus remains
our Light, our Lord, our Savior, and the Mighty One
who will come to judge all.


Lord Jesus, thank You for shining out through the
darkness of our world, even when it cost Your life.
Continue to shine in my heart, and vanquish the
darkness that still lingers there. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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