Saturday, March 15, 2014


Read Psalm 88.

TEXT: O my God, I cry by day, but You do not answer, and
by night, but I find no rest (Psalm 22:2).

Jesus was crucified around nine in the morning. He speaks
briefly three times in those early daylight hours, but most of
the time He hangs silently. But even in His silence He is
crying out to His Father through His groans and tears. Three
hours later the world is plunged into unnatural night as the
sun stops shining. Crushed beneath the load of our sins and
the fiery wrath of our God it must have felt like eternity for
Him. In the unnatural darkness His moans cry out to heaven.
But His Father gives Him no rest, no relief- just the bitter
pangs of hell striking Him in wave after wave.

Sometimes sickness or pain, troubles and fears, guilt or
 torment grip us. No matter what we try we can't escape the
pain night or day. We plead to God to give us relief and help,
but we find little or no change, whether it's daytime or

Perhaps today is such a time for you.

It is in these times that Jesus encourages us to follow His
example, to keep crying out day and night. He promises,
"Will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day
and night? Will He delay long over them? I tell you, He will
give justice to them speedily" (see Luke 18:7-8).

Very soon Jesus will complete His payment for our sins.
His suffering will cease and He will be in Paradise forever.
Soon God will relieve your burden, and give you times of
rest and peace. In the meantime, keep crying out to Him
in faith.


Lord Jesus Christ, in Your indescribable pain and agony
You cried out to Your Father from the cross. Give me grace
to keep praying night and day. Amen.

(Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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