Tuesday, April 01, 2014


Read Psalm 59.

TEXT: For dogs encompass me; a company of evildoers
encircles me (see Psalm 22:16).

King David's prophecy of Jesus' crucifixion returns to the
animal theme we saw several days ago. He wrote of bulls
and lions; now he writes of a pack of wild dogs. By itself,
a single dog may not be as powerful or intimidating as a
bull or lion. A pack of wild dogs, however, are relentless
predators that run down their prey. These dogs take turns
leading the pack, so there are always fresh dogs heading
up the chase. That's where the expression "to dog
someone" comes from, to keep nipping at their heels,
pursuing them until they grow weary and become
exhausted. This method allows a pack of dogs to bring
down prey animals much larger than themselves.

All kinds of Jewish officials dogged Jesus' steps throughout
His ministry. They spied on Him, challenged Him, countered
Him, accused Him, tried to interfere and turn the crowds
against Him.

When the single, exhausted animal stops to rest, the dogs
form a circle around it, and close in for the kill. David uses
a couplet to reveal the true identity of the "dogs"
encompassing Jesus: they are a company of evildoers
encircling His cross. It includes all those who have brought
Him to the cross: the Roman soldiers who nailed Him there,
Pontius Pilate who abandoned Him, the Jewish leaders who
engineered His destruction, and the mob that sought His life,
now standing, watching and mocking Him.

That company of evildoers includes Judas who betrayed Him,
Peter who denied Him, and the remainder of the Twelve who
abandoned Him. It also includes you and me-for He is
carrying our sins to the cross.


Lord Jesus Christ, Your enemies showed the persistence of
a pack of wild dogs. Forgive my sin and protect me from all
harm and danger that I may remain in this faith and live with
You in Paradise. Amen.

(Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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