Friday, March 28, 2014


Read Ezekiel 11: 14-21. TEXT: My heart is like wax;
it is melted within my breast (see Psalm 22:14).

Sin hardens our hearts, turning them to stone. We will
never see that more clearly than in the case of Jesus'
enemies who coldly and callously abused, ridiculed,
taunted and tormented Him in His agony. We have that
same stone-cold heart when we see our neighbor
suffering and in need and feel no pity, no concern for his
or her plight.

Jesus' tender heart, His inmost soul, is melting under
the fiery wrath of God. That same tender heart had taken
pity and moved Jesus to cleanse lepers, heal the deaf,
blind, mute and paralyzed, cast out demons, and offer
compassion to lost and wandering crowds. This heart
which has never turned hard or calloused now bleeds as
it is blasted by the fiery wrath of God for our hard-

Jesus was heartbroken by friends who betrayed, denied
and fled from Him. He had to deal with enemies who
persecuted Him and dogged His every step; chief priests
and Jewish leaders who sought His death; a Roman
governor who abandoned Him to their will; and crowds
that mocked and taunted His agony on the cross. But
more than anything, His heart was broken by His Father's
turning His back on Him, and unleashing His fury on His
only begotten Son -- the Lamb of God who was taking
away the sin of the world.

What heart can see such love in action and not soften in
response? Who can see all his or her sins laid on Jesus,
see the great agony and sacrifice He endured for them,
and not be moved to tears of repentance, thankfulness
and faith by our Savior's great heart and sacrifice?


Lord Jesus Christ, You sacrificed Your body, heart, mind
and soul to win our salvation. Melt our hearts in
repentance and faith. Amen.

(Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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