Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Read Isaiah 11:6-10.
They shall not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain; for the
earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters
cover the sea. Isaiah 11:9

I love the smell of fresh cut Christmas trees, but I'm not crazy
about their sting. I was never a fan of those sharp needles. Your
each in to string some lights or attach an ornament and ouch!

That's one of the reasons my wife and I decided to go with an
artificial tree when we started our own family Christmas traditions.
You can reach in there all you want and know nothing will prick

Wouldn't it be nice if the world was like that, especially this time
of year? How wonderful it would be to go shopping and know
people would be patient and polite. How refreshing it would be if
you knew people wouldn't cut you off to have that parking space
or wrestle you over those "must-have" presents this Christmas?

I imagine most of us would like our homes to be oases of
respect, safety, and peace. But here too the pressures of the
season can cause tempers to be short, words to be sharp, and
patience to wear thin.

Even in your church congregation there is undoubtedly stress
and strife. Slights and insults are exchanged like Christmas
cards; pessimism and doubt leads to discouragement and
apathy; selfish pride leads to deep divisions that splinter us.

But that is why Jesus Christ -- our brother and King -- is here
with us. He guides us in humility and meekness and teaches
us to treat one another in the same way. He who came to this
world as a little baby shared our humanity, our sorrows, and
our disappointments. He suffered from the cruelty and
murderous hatred of His own people. He wore a crown of
thorns and died on the cross for all the sins we committed
against our God and against one another. But now, risen from
the dead, He works to bring healing, peace, and harmony to us
and each one of our broken relationships.

Showing us the depth of His love in His holy Word He fosters
love within our hearts toward one another. Forgiving our sins in
our Baptism, He empowers us to forgive those who sin against
us. Reminding us of the price He gladly paid for our salvation,
He softens our hearts as He gives us His own body and blood
to eat and to drink so that we gladly sacrifice ourselves for each

In Jesus Christ, God's Word through Isaiah is fulfilled: "The earth
shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD," and nothing will hurt
or destroy us on His holy mountain.


Holy Lord, tame our wild impulses, forgive our sins, and change
our rebel hearts so that we may no longer cause any hurt or harm
in Your holy house. We pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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