"Our Resurrection and Life"
Lenten Devotion
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever
believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone
who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe
this?'"(John 11:25-26).
Read John 11:1-44.
Jesus is about to do one of His greatest miraculous signs.
He receives a frantic message to come to Lazarus who is
gravely ill. But Jesus remains where He is. His disciples
think Jesus is avoiding Jerusalem where the crowds had tried
to stone Him a short time ago. But Jesus waits two days
before finally heading out for Bethany, a small village near
Jerusalem. Thomas tells his fellow disciples, "Let us also go,
that we may die with Him."
Jesus finally arrives after Lazarus has been dead four days.
Martha says, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would
not have died." But Jesus had a reason for His delay. Jewish
rabbis believed a person's soul hovered over the body for three
days, and then finally departed when decomposition set in. By
waiting for the fourth day, Jesus would be performing a miracle
none of the Jewish leaders could deny.
Sometimes we get confused by the struggles in our life. Like
Martha we plead with the Lord to help, but when we need Him
most He seems to delay, or not to hear. But Jesus has a
purpose and a plan for everything He does for us.
Jesus told Martha "I am the resurrection and the life." Jesus
proved that by raising Lazarus from the dead-and by His own
resurrection on the third day. When we are discouraged, beaten
down and depressed, we can look to Jesus and know our future
is secure.
Lord, give me confidence in Your victory during the dark days
when I need You the most. Amen.
Written by Rev. Wayne Palmer
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