Monday, July 13, 2015


I'm not going to defend everything we
Christians have done over the centuries.
We can be silly, spiteful and stupid. We
have our flaws, our fallacies, our falsehoods,
and a full set of foibles. We're not perfect;
we're not even pretty close to being perfect.
We probably deserve much of what is said
about us.
But it is a very big mistake to assume
because God's people mess up, God has done
the same.
He hasn't. In His perfect love He sent His
perfect Son to live a perfect life so all who
believe on Him might enjoy His perfect
forgiveness. There are no slip ups or stumbles
in the creation and execution of the Lord's
plan, which saves. And we, like brother need
to be bold in sharing that truth with the
world's doubters.

THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, I give thanks You
are beyond our measurement or understanding.
Your thoughts are above ours, and we need to
remember You are the Creator, Redeemer and
Sanctifier. For all You have done, most hearty
thanks. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

In Christ I remain His servant and yours,
Pastor Ken Klaus
Lutheran Hour Ministries


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