"If anyone wants to be a follower of Mine, let him renounce
himself and take up his cross and follow Me" Mark 8:34
There is an amusing story about a priest and a rabbi who
are playing golf together for the first time. The rabbi soon
discovers that the priest is an excellent putter. He also
notices that before putting, the priest always makes the
sign of the Cross. Halfway through the course, the rabbi
is losing by ten strokes. Consequently, he asks the priest
if he thinks it will be all right if he too crosses himself.
"Sure rabbi, go ahead," the priest says. "But it won't do
you any good until you learn how to putt."
We can go through the motions making the sign of the
cross. But until we begin making the cross the ultimate
sign that we have accepted the teachings of Jesus, it
won't do us any good.
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