Tuesday, December 01, 2015


Read Revelation 4:1-11. TEXT: And the whole multitude of
the people were praying outside at the hour of
incense (Luke 1:10).

Advent devos 2015When I was a boy, my brothers and I
were mesmerized by the pomp and ceremony of church.
We memorized each step of the acolyte, dreaming of the
day we would wear those robes and carry that burning taper.
We'd pause and make a deep, solemn bow in reverence
before God's altar, then step up into the chancel to light the
gleaming candelabra, standing on either side of the altar.

After the service we rushed home to play "church." We put
on our housecoats and scarves and set up a little table as
the altar. One brother played organist on our little chord
organ, and my other brother and I played acolyte and pastor.

I wonder if Zechariah did the same when he was a little boy.
Did he go up to the temple with his family and stand at the
gate, watching the priests dressed in their fancy robes,
walking around with great somber steps, offering the
sacrifices? Did he watch the priest step through the temple
doors with great pomp and ceremony? Did he pretend he
was that priest, gazing around in awe and amazement at
the glories of God's holy temple?

Finally, the day has come for Zechariah to step into that
holy place. What a wondrous sight awaits him!

One day, you and I will leave this world. Because of Jesus'
birth that first Christmas and the life He lived afterwards--
because of His suffering, death and resurrection--He has
made it possible for us to step into His majestic throne room
and stand in His splendid presence forever.


Lord Jesus, thank You for making me worthy to come into
Your presence. Come among Your people today, and
cleanse us from all sin. Amen.

(By Rev. Wayne Palmer
December 1, 2015)


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